Page 4 of Finding Hope

Ok, I guess I’ll start the conversation.

“My interview went well, I think. Terrance seemed enthusiastic about me in the position. He had told me not to interview when this job last opened up four years ago because I didn’t have enough experience. But I do now.” Her smile faded. Kyle wasn’t listening to her. Hope tried again. “So, this is a great night for a celebration dinner. I’m trying not to get too excited, but I honestly feel like I have—”

He looked her straight in the eye as he interrupted. “Hope, stop. I’m sorry, I forgot your interview was today. I didn’t ask you here to celebrate.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he dropped his gaze to the table. “God, there’s no easy way to say this. I don’t want to continue this relationship anymore.”

At first, she didn’t think she’d heard him correctly. Then, as his words sunk in, her heart started pounding. “Wait. What did you say?”

He sagged and put his head in his hands, his manicured nails on full display. “I don’t think this is going anywhere.” He looked back up at her. “And now, I’m just done, ok? I want more excitement in my life. I want a woman who’s there. I told you last night, this relationship has become too predictable. I’m ready for something else.”

“More excitement?” Flames ignited her cheeks. “You’re a corporate accountant, for God’s sake! I tried to plan a weekend away last month, but you weren’t interested because you had to work overtime.” Hope’s voice rose. “You brought me to my favorite restaurant to break up with me? Out of nowhere? What, am I not good enough for you?”

“Keep your voice down.” Kyle glared at her before lowering his eyes. “And I didn’t say that. We’re both in our mid-thirties now. This isn’t working for me anymore. I’m sorry I did this on your big day—that wasn’t my intention.” At least he had the decency to look abashed.

“Of course it wasn’t your intention. It never is. And last night, you said being predictable was fine. At least I can make up my mind.” She scraped back her chair with a loud screech. “Fine. If you want to end this, consider it ended.”

Standing up, she drank the rest of her wine in one shot and stormed out of the restaurant.

* * *

Hope made it halfway back to her apartment before the tears came in force. Her hands shook as she gripped the steering wheel. I can’t believe what just happened. How could I not see this coming?

She pulled into her covered parking space and sat in her car, still gripping the wheel as she leaned her forehead against her arms. Taking a shaky breath, she wiped her eyes and looked up at her apartment building. It was a beige, rectangular box, and tonight she saw it through new eyes.

Is that what I am? Bland and dull? Have I shut myself off so much I don’t even see it?

She nudged open the car door that could have weighed a hundred pounds, needles of ice pelting her as she walked to the front door. Entering the code to open the door, Hope sighed at the blast of heat coming out of the building. She rode the creaky elevator to her one-bedroom apartment on the ninth floor.

Walking into the living room, she took out her cell phone. There was one person she could always call and vent to—her little sister, Sara. Four years younger than Hope, Sara was a free spirit who didn’t take life too seriously. She lived in Charleston, South Carolina because she hated the midwestern winters. Dialing the number, Hope took a deep breath.

Sara could also be as sharp as a knife.

She picked up on the second ring. “Hey, big sister, how’s it going?”

“Oh Sara, I don’t even know where to start.”

“Uh-oh. Do I feel another tale of woe coming on?”

“Kyle broke up with me.”

A long-suffering sigh emanated from the phone. “Oh no. Really?”

“Don’t fall over with sympathy for me.”

“Look, I’m sorry you and Kyle broke up, but how long did you expect this to go on? And I’ve tried sympathy before.” Another pause. “I know you’re hurting, and that kills me. But you won’t commit to anyone. Hell, you refuse to even get close to anyone. Can you blame him for wanting to move on?”

“Yes, dammit!”

“Oh, come on! You know I love you, but—”

“I had no idea it was coming. We’ve been together for almost two years. I’m not sure I wanted to marry the guy, but the relationship seemed to be humming along.” Now the tears had started again. Sara was the only person she didn’t mind crying in front of. “At least I thought so.”

“Two years, Hope! Have you even gone on a long vacation together? Look, I’ve never been president of the Kyle fan club, but you’re pretty much married to your job. Maybe he wanted to find an actual wife someday.”

“Whose side are you on, anyway?” Hope stomped over to the gas fireplace and flipped the switch. It whooshed to life. She swiped the tears off her face with a furious palm.

“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response. You are your own worst enemy. You need to get out of this rut.” Another deep sigh came from the phone as Hope returned to the couch. “You’re a beautiful, smart, successful woman. Any man would be lucky to have you. You deserve someone much better than Kyle. But if you want to shake up your life a little, then do something about it! You’ve always been so focused and driven.”

Sara paused, and Hope could practically see her lips pursing together. “And how many times do you and I need to keep having this same conversation about men?”