Page 1 of Finding Hope


March 15 . . .

As Hope Collins squinted at the enormous airplane roaring overhead, the icy sleet from an unexpected spring storm blasted her. She closed her eyes and grimaced, setting down her two suitcases to wipe her face before grinning as a flutter rippled through her midsection.

This is the last time—no more Chicago winters or spring surprises! Bending down, she wrestled her luggage through the automatic doors and into the departures section of O’Hare Airport.

It was nearly 9 p.m. and the hall’s blinding interior assaulted her eyes after the darkness outside. Finding the reader boards for her airline, she joined the line of people snaking its way to the check-in desks. As Hope slowly made her way through, she smiled, trying to guess the stories of the people around her.

No one who knew her would ever guess what she was embarking on. Those she hadn’t already told, of course.

An hour later, she was at the front of the line, and the agent called her up. “ID, please.” His blue blazer was crisp, but he had the tired bearing of someone who had been dealing with grumpy airline passengers all day. His trim, dark-brown hair looked like he’d run a hand through it more than once. Hope handed him her driver’s license. Another plus of my new home—don’t have to worry about all the international regulations.

The agent brought up her ticket information on his terminal and brightened. “St. Croix! Oh, I’m so jealous! You definitely have the right idea. How long are you staying?”

“I’m moving there.” The three words tumbled out of Hope’s mouth as she bounced on her feet.

He set down her ID with wide brown eyes. “That sounds even better. Goodbye, Chicago winters! You know, if you’re in the mood to celebrate, we have a discounted upgrade to first class for only $100. We have some unsold seats, so the price is pretty low for this route.”

Hope hesitated before saying, “Why not? I’m sure I’ll sleep better on the overnight flight. Upgrade me!”

This is your new start—splurge a little!

He processed her luggage and printed her boarding pass. “Your ticket includes access to our Club Lounge before your flight.” He gave her directions and sent her on her way.

After a surprisingly painless pass through security, she continued to the Club Lounge. The check-in agent peered at her boarding pass as if he were a bouncer in a club looking to reject the undesirables. Finally determining Hope had a magic ticket, he gave her a big fake smile and welcomed her into the lounge. Refraining from rolling her eyes, Hope regarded the area as she walked toward the bar. She’d never flown first class before.

So, this is how the other half lives.

Armchairs were arranged in an area far larger than she’d expected. Table lamps cast a warm glow around the lounge, and several large flat-screen televisions broadcasted a national news channel with the sound off. After finding a comfortable stuffed chair near the bar, Hope ordered a glass of red wine and relaxed into the soft leather with a mouthful of velvety smoothness. It was worth the splurge.

Ninety minutes later, she sipped a glass of champagne like a celebrity after settling into her first-class seat. She smiled at the middle-aged businesswoman seated next to her.

“Business or pleasure?” The woman, who had introduced herself as Barbara, wore a navy-blue suit with a crisp white shirt and a pencil skirt. Her navy pumps matched perfectly.

Hope thought for a moment. “A little of both, I guess. I’m moving to St. Croix for a new business opportunity, but I’m hoping it will be a pleasure.” She paused. “It’s really a complete life change for me.” The flutter of excitement was back.

Barbara’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, that sounds dramatic—tell me more.”

“The short version is I’ve won a scuba diving resort there. I’m flying down now to take it over and make it my own.”

Barbara gaped at Hope before snapping her mouth shut. “I think I’m going to need the long version. Good thing it’s a long flight and we get free drinks!”

Hope smiled and took a sip of champagne. Sitting here right now, she couldn’t believe how completely her life had changed in only four weeks.


Four Weeks Ago . . .

I am NOT predictable.

Hope opened the door of the shop, the warm coffee-scented air wafting out to her as she hurried away from the biting sleet of the winter’s morning. As she frowned at the assorted pastries on offer, her mind returned to the conversation she’d had with her boyfriend, Kyle, the evening before.

“There’s nothing wrong with being predictable,” he’d said. “It’s reassuring, like a favorite pair of slippers.”

She glared at him as she crossed her arms. “I’m slippers to you? Seriously? I can be fun and spontaneous, but I’m also an adult and try to act like one. Are you saying I’m boring?”

“I didn’t mean it as an insult. Forget I mentioned it.” He sighed and went back to scrolling on his phone.