Page 99 of Pride High

“It’s fine. I guess they’re part of the reason I’m determined to find someone and stick with them. We used to be a happy family. When I was little. That’s how it seemed to me anyway. I don’t remember my parents arguing so much. They sure seemed like they loved each other then.” He briefly chewed his bottom lip. “Anyway, I don’t want to be the reason they finally split up. I’ll wait.”

“Until after high school?” Anthony asked. “That’s what I’ve been thinking.”

“Maybe. Once we’re out on our own, it would be safer.” Cameron bumped shoulders with him and resumed walking. “But I also don’t want to miss out on what everyone else in our school gets to experience.”

“Me neither,” Anthony said. “We just have to make sure they don’t find out.”

“About that,” Cameron said with a grimace. “You know Mindy Beaumont, right?”

“Yeah! She’s cool.”

“I hope so, because I think she’s onto us.”

Anthony stopped in his tracks. “What?”

“Don’t panic,” Cameron said, turning and walking backward until Anthony began to follow him again. “I think I managed to throw her off the scent. But we did have a very loaded conversation. She saw us together after lunch.”


“Calm down,” Cameron said. “You walk around with Omar all the time and nobody thinks you two have the hots for each other.”

“Right,” Anthony said tersely.

“Mindy was surprised that we’re friends. So maybe we should make that much official.”

Anthony took a deep breath and nodded. “You’re right. God this is stupid! I wish we could be ourselves. I only want to hold your hand.”

“It’s the thought that counts,” Cameron said. “From now on, if we can’t do what we want, then we can at least tell each other what we’d do.”

“I like that,” Anthony said.

“I’ll go first.” Cameron cleared his throat. “I’m holding your hand right now.”

“Uh… No.” Anthony fought down a smile. “You can’t just do whatever you want to me. I get to have a say in this.”

Cameron grinned. “Okay. In that case, I’m reaching for your hand.”

“I take your hand in mine and squeeze it tightly,” Anthony murmured.

“How’s it feel?”

“Good. A little sweaty.”

“Sorry. That only happens when I’m around you.”

“I don’t mind. I like how strong your hands are. Must be all the woodworking.”

“And now I’m leaning toward you meaningfully…” Cameron began.

“When suddenly I pull away, because you haven’t bought me dinner yet, and I’m not that easy.”

Cameron laughed. “All right. Come on. I’ll buy you lunch.”

“But for real, right?” Anthony asked.

Cameron grabbed his arm, but only long enough to stop him. Then, with an intensity that made Anthony weak in the knees, he said, “Everything I do for you, and everything I feel for you, is veryveryreal.”