“I’m hungry,” Ricky managed to squeak.
“Oh yeah?” Diego used his bulk to wall him in as they walked. The restrooms were up ahead. The same ones that he had forced Ricky into previously. “From the way you were looking at me,” Diego said, “I bet you’d like to eat my ass. Isn’t that right?”
“The thought never crossedmymind,” Ricky mumbled.
He regretted the words the moment they slipped out of his mouth and hoped they hadn’t been heard. But they were. Even worse, Diego picked up on the nuance.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he spat. “You thinkI’minto that sick shit?”
Ricky shook his head.
Diego laughed madly. “Hell, who knows. Maybe I am. Let’s find out!”
They were just passing the doors to the restroom. Diego stepped ahead of Ricky and opened his beefy arms to corral him toward the boys’ room. The last thing Ricky wanted was to get trapped inside with Diego, so he ducked underneath one of those arms and broke into a sprint, happy to leave his pride behind if it kept the rest of him intact and unharmed.
He heard Diego barking laughter, but the sound was getting more distant by the second. Thank goodness. Ricky made it to the cafeteria and joined the other students waiting in line for hot food. He kept an eye out for Omar, who always wanted to cut in line, but he also hoped to see Cameron there. He knew now thatthey shared the same lunch period, which made it all the more frustrating that he hadn’t been around all week. Especially since they had come so close to meeting.
As far as Ricky could figure out, Cameron had come looking for him during lunch and had run into Anthony instead. They seemed to know each other already, and that had put the kibosh on their plans. Ricky had tried finding him again outside in the courtyard, where he’d eaten with Anthony. He’d also been logging into Side Streets every night, hoping to see him there, but Cameron had disappeared like a phantom.
“Hey, Ricky.” Anthony was heading toward the table where they usually met, since he always brought lunch from home. Today he slowed and seemed concerned as he approached. “Everything okay? You’re looking a little windblown.”
“Oh.” Ricky brought a hand up to straighten his glasses before he smoothed down his hair. “I ran all the way here from class.”
“Trying out for the track team?” Anthony asked.
“Huh-uh. Do you know who Diego Gomez is?”
Anthony’s eyes went wide. “Yeah. You should avoid him.”
“That’s why I ran!”
Anthony winced in sympathy. “He only likes easy targets, so keep it up. He’ll find someone slower to pick on. Unless you want one of us to meet you at your class and walk you here.”
“I’ll be okay,” Ricky said, “but thanks.”
That was the one upside to the week. For whatever reason, Anthony had been a lot nicer to him. He was never mean before, but his vibe was definitely warmer now, like the way he joined Ricky in line despite not needing cafeteria food. They talked more too, usually about stuff they’d seen on TV, and it was nice. In fact, Ricky wouldn’t mind hanging out with Anthony more. The idea was still on his mind when their mutual friend showed up.
“Thanks for saving my place,” Omar said theatrically before he cut in line. He shot Ricky a wink and in a deep voice bellowed, “Chicken nugget day!”
“Get a couple extra for me,” Anthony said. “Do the thing that always works on teachers.”
“You mean this?” Omar said, making his eyes so big that he looked like a needy kitten. “Could I please have some extra nuggets, ma’am? I forgot to eat breakfast this morning.”
“That’s the one!” Anthony said with a grin.
Ricky laughed. He envied the friendship they had. At times their dynamic reminded him of how close he’d been to Jeremiah. He missed that. The romantic stuff, sure, but also just hanging out with someone he genuinely liked. “What are you guys doing this weekend?” he blurted out.
Omar got a dreamy look on his face that Ricky had learned to recognize. “Silvia is coming over to my place on Saturday,” he said. “We’re going to cuddle up and watch some movies.”
“Sounds repulsive,” Anthony said. “I have plans, or I’d show up just to make retching noises.”
“You’ll be missed,” Omar replied. “What are you up to, Ricky?”
“Nothing. I’m just going to hang out at home and um…” He couldn’t think of anything cool to say. He’d probably read comics or obsessively log into Side Streets hoping that Cameron would be there.
“We’re going to the mall on Sunday,” Anthony said. “Rich boy here needs to buy clothes. I’ll be checking out the clearance racks. You’re welcome to come with.”
“Really?” Ricky said, instantly wishing he hadn’t sounded so excited. Or noticed the way that Anthony nudged his friend.