Page 67 of Pride High

“Off to a great start so far, Cameron,” he murmured to himself. After making sure he was truly alone this time, he gave himself a reassuring thumbs-up in the mirror. “You look good. Go get ’em, tiger!”

As he began patrolling the cafeteria, he kept his cool by repeatedly telling himself that he didn’t care how this went, even though the opposite was true. His pulse picked up when he spotted Anthony sitting at a table with two other guys. Oneof them, Omar Jafari, had been in his algebra class last year. The other one, David if he wasn’t mistaken, was trying very hard to grow a mustache. As for Anthony himself, he didn’t seem particularly nervous, or on the lookout for anyone. Not at first, but as Cameron neared, Anthony seemed to search the cafeteria before noticing him. And then he quickly averted his eyes.

What the fuck? Were they really playing this game again? Cameron marched right up to the table, so it would be impossible to ignore him. And it worked. He had the attention of all three guys.

Cameron focused solely on Anthony. “Got a second?” he asked.

Anthony studied him a moment before nodding. There was something unfriendly in that gaze. Cameron was already beginning to despair. If the guy he liked, Skylar, was an invention and nothing more, then maybe he was wasting his time. All he knew for sure was that he wouldn’t let lunch end without getting answers.

“What do you want?” Anthony mumbled as they walked away from the table.

Cameron shot a glare in his direction. “Why would you even ask that?”

Anthony swallowed, but he didn’t say anything else. Maybe he was so deep in the closet that he couldn’t be himself when at school. Cameron led them outside to the courtyard, hoping that would help. He headed toward an empty corner of the concrete patio where two brick walls met. Once there, Cameron spun around to face Anthony, who flinched in response.

“I want to talk about what happened,” he said.

“At the park?” Anthony asked, his voice strained.

“Yeah,” Cameron said. “Why were you acting so weird?”

“You’re going to make me say it?” Anthony spat, seeming offended. Anger flickered in his green eyes. “Fine! I freaked out because I knew that we went to the same school, and I didn’t want anyone to find out about me. I still don’t, but I’m also not going to let you blackmail me or whatever this is. I’d rather tell everyone myself.”

“Why would I tell anyone?” Cameron asked, furrowing his brow. “I’m still in the closet too.”

Anthony stared at him, his expression shifting from anger torealization. “I never asked myself what you were doing there!” he said, shaking his head and laughing at himself. “You’re really…” He glanced over his shoulder, as if making sure the coast was clear. “You’re really the same as me?”

“Yeah,” Cameron said gently. “I’m gay. Did you think I was joking?”

“I don’t know. I just assumed…” He swallowed again. “I felt like I was the only one. In this school anyway.”

“Well you’re not,” Cameron said, offering a smile. “That’s why I’ve been so eager to talk to you. I wish you hadn’t run away the first time.”

“I’m starting to regret it myself,” Anthony said with a laugh. His smile made his entire face light up. He sure was cute! “Where do we go from here?”

Cameron jiggled the brown paper bag he was holding. “We could have lunch together.”

“Really?” Anthony said, still staring at him. “This isn’t a prank? If so, put me out of my misery now.”

“I’d rather make you happy,” Cameron murmured.

Anthony blinked. Then a wild grin broke out over his face. “I’d love to have lunch with you! Let me grab my food and um…” He glanced around. “I’ll be right back,” he said finally.

It was a few minutes before he reappeared. Just long enough that Cameron was beginning to worry.

“Sorry,” Anthony said. “A friend was asking me a million questions for some reason.”

“It’s fine. I usually sit with some of the other theater kids. But I doubt they noticed that I’m gone. We’re all too self-centered.”

Anthony chuckled. “Is that how you know Whitney?”

“Yup! And we had some of the same classes in junior high.”

They settled down on the concrete pavement while they talked. Cameron spread out his paper bag like it was a placemat and organized what he’d packed while wishing he’d thought to bring something for Anthony. A treat of some sort maybe.

“What’s mine is yours,” Cameron said.

“Yeah, help yourself,” Anthony said, gesturing at his own offerings, although neither of them seemed interested in eating. “So you’re an actor?”