“Honestly?” Silvia asked with a grimace.
“That’s cool. What sort of music are you into?”
“I’ve been listening to Suzanne Vega lately.”
Omar narrowed his eyes in an effort to remember. “I’ve heard the name…”
“She did the ‘Tom’s Diner’ song.” Silvia did her best to imitate the opening vocals, which were a rhythm instead of words. “She also sang ‘My Name is Luka.’” The actual song was simply called ‘Luka’, but she knew this would help him recognize it.
“Oh yeah! I know both of those.”
“Her music is story-driven,” Silvia said. “When you pay attention to the lyrics, it adds another layer.”
“Sounds cool. You’ll have to play one of her albums for me.”
“You wouldn’t like it.”
“That’s okay. My friend Anthony is always exposing me to new music, and even though most of it isn’t my style, there’s usually a song or two that I’ll keep asking him to play.”
To her surprise, he started singing Joy Division’s ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart.’
“Wow! I’m impressed!”
“See?” he said with a grin. “I’m not completely hopeless. Oh hey!” Omar slung the camcorder around on its strap. “We’re here!”
Archie’s Pizza Pi was a cornerstone of childhood for anyone raised in Pride. It was the sort of pizza place that lured kids in with costumed characters, video games, and an indoor playground, but plenty of teenagers and adults dined there too. The owners were smart enough to keep the demographics separate. Adults ate up front by the door, where they could keep an eye on the family area and playground. Separated from the restaurant by an arcade, toward the back of the building, is where teenagers were corralled.
Omar was already panning across the restaurant with his camcorder while narrating, making sure to capture the stenciled mascot on the windows. Archie the Pizza Panda wore a toga and was measuring a freshly baked slice with a mathematical compass. Which always seemed random to him until Anthony explained that Archie was named after Archimedes, some dead guy who invented a really long number. Omar planned on impressing Silvia with that fact if he ran out of other stuff to say.
“Archie’s Pizza Pi,” he narrated while slowly capturing the scene. “This is where it all began. Or where it fizzled out. Only time, and careful editing, will tell.” He pulled away from the camcorder long enough to ask, “Do you mind?”
Silvia shrugged. The lens of the camcorder turned to focus on her.
“How are you feeling about the date so far?” Omar asked.
“Cautiously optimistic,” Silvia said. “I like that he showed up on time. I hate waiting. How do you feel?” She gestured for him to hand her the camcorder.
Omar seemed tickled by the idea. He showed her which button to push before switching places.
“I uh…” he said, reaching up to fuss with his hair. Then he cleared his throat and started again. “I think I’m doing okay. So far. If I can make it through dinner without saying something stupid, it’ll be a miracle.”
She laughed and they went inside.
A cherub-cheeked hostess greeted them. “Welcome to the home of Archie the Pizza Panda! We hope you brought your appetite for fun!”
“Thanks,” Omar said, sidling up to the podium. “We have a reservation.”
“Are you joining a birthday party?” the hostess asked. “Those are the only reservations we take.”
“Nope,but… Does this change your mind?”
Silvia watched him slide a five-dollar bill across the top of the podium.
“I’d be happy to schedule a birthday party if you’d like,” the woman said, her face creasing with confusion.
“Nah,” Omar said, snatching the money back. “The back room will be fine. My usual table please.”
It was clear the woman had no idea who he was, which only made it funnier. Omar noticed Silvia laughing and grinned. “They really should give me my own table,” he murmured as they were escorted to the back of the restaurant. “I’ve literally celebrated every single birthday here. And I’m not stopping until I’m twenty-one.”