Page 31 of Pride High

Mindy nodded. “Absolutely. That’s how the first date works. When you’re saying goodbye to him at the end of the evening, he’ll move in for a kiss. Normally you should only do it if you actually like him and want to see him again. But with Omar, who cares? Although he’ll probably tell everyone the next day, so maybe you shouldn’t.”

The thought made her insides flutter, which was a sensation Silvia wasn’t used to. To kiss someone else… Would that change how she felt? Would her entire world reorient and become about boys instead? That would be a relief. And a serious issue. What had she gotten herself into?


September 18th, 1992

Silvia walked to the front door of the record shop, turned the lock, and flipped the sign that announced they were closed. Most people probably felt relieved when finishing a shift, but she didn’t mind working here. There were enough customers to make her shift interesting, but it was rare that she felt overwhelmed. Mindy usually stopped by on Saturday to bring her lunch and keep her company. The weekdays were often quiet enough that she had little to do aside from listening to music or watching videos on the television mounted in one corner. Best of all, she didn’t have to feel guilty about the downtime, because she was on the clock and earning money.

Silvia put the cash in the safe and made sure everything was locked up and turned off before she left. Her bike was parked where she could see it through the window, but nobody ever tried to steal it. She imagined a burglar dressed in black and white stripes racing down the street on a pink ten-speed and almost wished it would happen.

The sun had already disappeared over the horizon, a magenta glow filling the sky to her right as she rode south to the edge of town. Fifteen minutes later and she had left most of the shops and houses behind. She turned onto a single-lane state highway just long enough to pass a warehouse and propane dealer before wobbling down a gravel road to Homestead Hills, a name which conjured up images of a gated community and luxurious houses nestled on a forested hillside. The reality was a humble trailer park with nary a hill in sight. The land here was flat, although there were undeveloped acres of woods not far away. On occasion, when standing at her bedroom window, she could see deer leave the safety of the trees to graze.

Silvia parked her bike in the shed that her father had built to keep essentials in. The rest of her family had bikes too, which they previously relied on more before she turned sixteen and was able to register the truck in her name. Before then, her father had been driving around with expired plates and no insurance. That he had never gotten caught was enough to make her believe inangels. Everything was in legal order now. When it came to the truck at least.

She still worried about what would happen if her father got pulled over. Silvia had made him practice that scenario over and over. She would play the role of police officer and ask him for his license and registration, only allowing her father to respond in English. He would explain, after looking through his wallet, that he must have left it at home. They usually let people bring proof of their license to the courthouse, which would also be a problem, but at least it would buy them time.

That nightmare future had never come to pass. Regardless, it was a relief to see the truck parked outside. During the summer Silvia would wake up early, drive her parents to work, and pick them up again at the end of the day. That was difficult with her school schedule, and impossible ever since she’d taken the new job. So far, her bike had gotten her home again safely each night.

The sky was much darker now, the windows of the trailer filled with comforting warm light. Silvia was greeted by a familiar sight when she entered. Her little brother Hugo was lying on his stomach on the living room floor. He tore his eyes away from the television just long enough to roll to one side and wave. He was a chubby little guy, but the men of their family often started that way before hitting a growth spurt. Hugo was still many years away from puberty, thank goodness. Her parents were seated on the couch behind him. Miguel, her father, was always sunbaked and windswept from the roofing work he did. Her mother Elena had softer skin, despite working just as hard. She got to her feet with a smile, and in her native Spanish, said the same thing she did every day.

“Welcome home, sweet baby. You must be hungry!”

She never waited for an answer. Elena went to the small kitchen that bled into the living room area and started filling a plate at the stove. Silvia followed her to see what it would be today. Beef and rice, which meant her brother had gotten his way, since that was his current favorite. Although her mother usually made something fresh as well, knowing what Silvia preferred. This time it was a cucumber and tomato salad, sourced directly from the small garden they had out back, so she knew it was going to taste good.

“How was your day?”her mother asked as they sat at the square kitchen table.

Silvia responded to her in Spanish that was just as fluent.“Fine. I heard back from the office about the work release program, but they won’t make an exception for me. Seniors only.”

“Good! I want you to focus on school.”

That’s what her parents always said, and they meant it, but at a certain age Silvia had recognized that what they wanted and needed were two different things. The work release program would have enabled her to put in an extra two hours per weekday, which would’ve really added up at the end of each month.

“We’re doing fine,”her mother continued.“You’re young. These are magical years. I don’t want you to miss them.”

“Magical years?”Silvia repeated with an incredulous expression.

Elena held her ground.“They truly are. I met your father when I was your age.”

Silvia wanted to be repulsed, especially when leaning to one side to look past Elena. Her father was sitting on the couch, his shirtless torso exposed. The trailer was still cooling off from the heat of the day. Hugo was now snuggled up next to him on the couch. She loved them both. If that’s the shape her future would take, potbelly and all, it didn’t look so bad.

“I’m going on a date tomorrow,”Silvia said.

“With a boy?”Her mother laughed at her own question and shook her head.“That’s wonderful, honey! Tell me about him!”

She did her best to describe Omar, despite not knowing him that well, fully aware of how happy this would make her mother.

“This is exactly what you should be focusing on,”Elena said with a smile that soon faltered.“Although… Remember when we talked about being careful?”

“It’s a first date!”Silvia shot back.“And even if it wasn’t, I’ll always be careful. I promise.”

Neither of them wanted an unplanned pregnancy.

“Accidents can happen,”her mother pressed.“Even when you take precautions.”

Silvia raised an eyebrow at this.“Do you mean me or Hugo?”

“Both,”her mother said with a straight face. Then she slappedSilvia’s hand playfully.“Just one of you, but I won’t say who until you’re both older.”