Page 173 of Pride High

“Help me get all this booty upstairs,” he said.

“Okay,” Anthony replied. They grabbed as much as they could, Omar chatting excitedly about everything he’d gotten. How many birthdays had they celebrated together? Anthony wanted to be there for all that were yet to come. More than just about anything.

As soon as they were in Omar’s room and the presents had been set down, Anthony went and shut the door, giving them privacy. He turned around. His best friend was on his hands and knees, folding up the inflatable raft that Silvia had given him. He was talking about a fishing trip or something. He was always so enthusiastic. Just being around him made Anthony feel more alive… and made him feel so much more.

“I love you, Omar,” he said.

His friend looked up in surprise and laughed. “Thanks. I love you too.”

“No,” Anthony croaked, a tear breaking loose. “I’minlove with you. And I have been for a long time.”

Omar rocked back on his knees, resting on his legs as he stared. “Oh.”

“This isn’t how I planned on telling you,” Anthony said. “I never really wanted you to find out. But it’s the most important part of what I’m about to say, because that’s what this is really about. Feelings. I’m not some sick pervert or whatever else you might think. The sexual stuff… I guess that’s part of it too. But really, the only difference between you and me, is who I fall in love with.”

Omar got to his feet. “I’m not—”

“I know,” Anthony said. “I don’t expect anything from you. I love you just the way you are, Omar. You’re perfect. I don’t want you to change for me. I just need you to keep being my friend, because I can’t…” He struggled to get the words out as he began to cry. “I can’t imagine my life without you.”

Omar rushed over and grabbed his shoulders. “Look at me,” he said.

Anthony raised his head. How many times had he fantasized about this moment? This is when Omar would say what he always wanted to hear. And then they would kiss. But oddly enough, Anthony didn’t need that anymore.

“You’re my best friend,” Omar said. “And you always will be. Always! Do you hear me?”

Anthony nodded with a sob.

Omar pulled him close, hugging him like a python. Anthony clung just as tightly to him, crying into his shoulder. Why did he always smell so good? He felt Omar’s hands clutch his shirt, as if needing to comfort him. Anthony tried to pull it together, if only for his sake.

“We’re okay?” Omar said when finally releasing him.

“Yeah,” Anthony said. “I think so. But I guess I still need to actually say it.”

Omar nodded encouragingly. “Yeah, man. You should!”

Anthony stared into dark eyes that were filled with kindness. Omar made it so easy. In fact, Anthony might not have accepted the truth if not for him, because the love he inspired was impossible to ignore. So he stated the conclusion that those feelings had led him to. “I’m gay.”

“And I’m cool with it,” Omar replied. “I wondered sometimes, you know?”


“Yeah!” Omar grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the bed, where they sat. “I mean, anytime I talked about girls, it was super one-sided. I figured maybe you had a type you were looking for. Some weird chick with purple hair and piercings who’s obsessed with going to concerts.”

Anthony laughed. “She’d still be missing a crucial part.”

“I guess so. Hey! I have some good news for you. I think Ricky might be gay.”

“Gosh, what makes you think that?” Anthony deadpanned.

Omar chuckled. “Yeah. Kind of obvious in retrospect. But you guys could date! If he’s your type. What kind of guy do you like?” He grinned. “Besides me.”

“I actually have a boyfriend already,” Anthony said sheepishly.

“For real?” Omar’s face lit up with realization. “You mean Cameron?”


“Fucking awesome! Dude, he’s so hot! Wow… Have you done it yet? I bet he’s got a big one.”