Page 164 of Pride High

November 22nd, 1992

“What time does the party start?”

Anthony had to gather his willpower before he was able to answer. He was stretched out on his bed, Cameron lying next to him with an arm draped over Anthony’s stomach. They had been like this for the better part of an hour, chatting sometimes, and at others, simply enjoying how good it felt to be close. “Five minutes ago,” he managed at last.

Cameron raised his head. “Shouldn’t we get going?”

“Yeah,” Anthony conceded. And yet he still made no effort to move.

Cameron jostled him. “Come on.”

“One more eternity,” Anthony mumbled, “then we’ll go.”

“Uh-huh. And what are you going to say when your parents break down the door and find us like this?”

“‘Don’t wake the baby. I just got him to settle down.’”

“You’ll be the baby in this scenario. I’m going to Omar’s party.”

“Fine, fine,” Anthony said. “I’ll get up now.”

They both sighed and gave it a couple more minutes. Then he imagined Omar pacing the front room of his house while worrying if anyone would show up. Anthony should have been there already. Then again, Omar had a girlfriend. Such obligations were hers to fulfil, and rightly so. He no longer wished to gatekeep that role. He would always be there for his best friend through thick and thin, but the recent outburst with Ricky had been a rude awakening. Anthony was done with bitterness and jealousy. Or so he hoped, because this felt healthier. Omar could sleep with and date whoever he wanted. Anthony would continue to love him as a friend, and deep down inside, more than that. But he would no longer resent anyone for getting what he too had desired.

“Here we go,” Anthony said, gently detaching himself from Cameron and sitting up. He waited a moment for his boner tosubside. Being close to his boyfriend always caused that, even when he had no intent to act on it. He wondered if Cameron had the same problem and sneaked a peek. Although he didn’t try to hide his gaze.

“Don’t laugh,” Cameron said. “And don’t talk about it, or it won’t go away.”

He laughed anyway as they got out of bed. Cameron went to freshen up in the bathroom. Anthony fussed over the presents he’d bought Omar—a six-pack of the little Hi 8 video cassettes that he was constantly running out of and a huge box of Hot Tamales, his favorite candy.

“How do I look?” Cameron said when he returned.

“Good!” His hair was freshly styled. He was wearing beige slacks and a brown button-up shirt, which was kind of nerdy, but Anthony wouldn’t change him for the world. With the exception of the baby-blue denim jacket. “Actually, try this on.”

Anthony went to the closet and got out the aviator jacket. Cameron gave him a funny look while putting it on. “I don’t know,” he said almost immediately.

“What?” Anthony replied. “It looks crazy hot on you!”

Cameron tilted his head to one side and pursed his lips. “Gee, I wonder why.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“This is Omar’s jacket.”

Anthony stared at him for a second before laughing. “That’s not the reason. It never looked good on him. Okay, maybe a little, but I’m more into the jacket he usually wears. If I was trying to dress you up like him, you’d be wearing all black right now. The brown leather goes with your hair. And most of the clothes you own. Come look in the mirror.”

Anthony dragged him over to his closet where a tall mirror hung next to the door. He made Cameron face this while wrapping arms around him from behind. “Silvia picked it out. On my date with Mindy. Omar only wore the jacket to impress her, but it’s not his style at all. It didn’t look good on me either. That’s why I never wear it. But on you…” Anthony nuzzled his ear affectionately. “You’re the one, Cameron.”

His boyfriend’s eyes met his in the mirror. “Are you sure?”

Anthony nodded, his voice raw with emotion. “Yeah. One hundred percent.”

Cameron leaned against him. “Do you want to come over to my house tonight? After the party. My dad is out of town, and my mom is a heavy sleeper.”

“You mean…”

Cameron smiled. “Only if you’re ready. I know it’s not ideal—”

“Yes,” Anthony said. “I can’t stay all night, since we have school tomorrow…” He laughed self-consciously. “But I’m sure we’ll have time to do something. Even if it’s just comparing.”