Page 148 of Pride High

“You know the way,” Anthony said, beginning to feel concerned. Something was wrong. He simply didn’t know what yet.

As soon as they were in the privacy of his bedroom, Cameron sighed.

“Are you okay?” Anthony asked.

Cameron nodded, but when they hugged, he squeezed back with needful intensity.

“My parents suck,” he murmured against Anthony’s shoulder.

“They don’t want to meet me?”

“Wrong. I don’t want you to meet them!” Cameron took a step back and explained what happened, ending with, “They have the worst marriage. They’re always shouting at each other. And they’re too busy yelling to ever listen. It’s insane.”

“We won’t be like that,” Anthony promised him. “I know we’ve had a few disagreements—”

“That’s okay,” Cameron said. “I don’t expect us to always get along, but sometimes I wish theywouldget a divorce.” His chin trembled. “But I also don’t want them to. Why can’t they be nice to each other?”

“I don’t know,” Anthony said, “but I hate seeing you so hurt. We’ll do better, I swear.”

Cameron pulled him close again. He kissed Anthony’s neck. Then his hands began to wander.

“Is this how we’re spending the day?” Anthony asked. “Because I’m trying to be a good boyfriend in your time of need, but you’re giving me a hard-on.”

Cameron leaned back and looked down in interest. Anthony laughed and pushed him away. He went to the small walk-in closet, keeping his back to Cameron as he tried to find something heavier than a T-shirt to wear. “What are we really going to do?” he called over his shoulder.

“I had an idea,” Cameron answered. “Can I use your phone, actually?”

“Go for it.”

Anthony found a black sweater that was coming unraveled around the edges. He’d planned on wearing something more formal, but if he wasn’t going to meet the parents, he might as well be comfortable.

“Hey!” he heard Cameron say into the phone. “It’s me. Are you busy? How would you like to meet my boyfriend? Right now, yeah. I know. There’s no need to make a fuss. I’ll help. Okay. See you soon!”

Anthony left the sanctuary of the closet. Just not figuratively. “Who was that?”

“My friend, Charles. He’s better than family. I’d rather introduce you to him.”

“Cool,” Anthony said, wondering if he needed to dress up after all. He spread his arms wide. “What do you think?”

“You look good,” Cameron said. “Although I wish I hadn’t made that call yet.”

“How come?”

“Because I could have watched you get dressed. I’ve never even seen you with your shirt off.”

“You’re not missing much,” Anthony said with a nervous chuckle.

“I’m not so sure about that,” Cameron walked close and started lifting his sweater. “Just a peek?”

“Don’t,” Anthony laughed.

Cameron wasn’t trying that hard anyway. He grabbed Anthony by the hips and brought his mouth near. Then he seemed to second-guess himself. “Crap. I forgot to brush my teeth.”

“I haven’t brushed mine yet either,” Anthony said. “Let’s go.”

“To the bathroom?”

“Not like that, but yes.” He led the way, and once they were standing in front of the sink, he handed Cameron his toothbrush. “Be my guest.”