“No problem,” Cameron said. He smelled like cologne, his hair freshly styled. “It could have gone much worse. At least he didn’t frisk me.”
“He’d be more likely to ask you for references.” She made her voice sound deeper. “‘How many dates have you been on? Do you have letters of recommendation? I’ll need to call to verify.’”
“I don’t have a lot of experience,” Cameron replied, as if in an interview, “but I promise that I’m a fast learner and a hard worker.”
Mindy giggled. “You should have said that. He probably would have liked it.”
“He seems nice.” The car slowed at a stop sign. “Better than my dad. I can’t imagine him answering the front door. A SWAT team would have to break it down, and even then, he probably wouldn’t notice.”
“How come?”
“He’s a workaholic.”
“And your mom?”
Cameron frowned. “She has her own issues.”
“Oh. My family isn’t perfect either. A few years ago, my folks split up.”
“Really? Your dad made it sound like your mom still lives with you.”
“She does.” Mindy shifted to face him. “They get along fine. Sometimes I forget they’re not married. We still eat dinner together and spend time as a family, but they sleep in separate rooms. I’m not sure they’ll keep doing that once me and my sister are out of the house. Then again, they do seem to like each other. They’re more like friends, I suppose. Friends who had kids before realizing that they weren’t a good match.”
Cameron glanced at her before turning a corner. “I wonder if my parents have considered doing that. I’d like it better than if they got a divorce.”
“Is that something they’ve talked about?” Mindy asked.
“Yeah.” He sounded hoarse. “A few times now.”
“I’m sorry. My parents were civil about everything, but it was still hard to deal with. So if it does happen, you can always come to me. I’ll be a sympathetic ear.”
“Thanks,” Cameron said. “That’s very kind of you.” He seemed to reappraise her before smiling. “What have you been up to today?”
“I cooked lunch with my mom,” she said. “Shrimp salad. I love seafood. What about you?”
“I prefer poultry.”
She laughed. “No, what did you get up to today?” In her imagination, she pictured him toiling away in a stable, pitchforking hay to the animals in his care and working up a sweat. He’d take breaks on occasion to read a book in a cozy corner of the barn, but only after unbuttoning his shirt.
“I mostly hung out around the house. Oh, and I taught myself how to iron. What do you think?”
“Very impressive,” Mindy said, using the excuse to look him over. Cameron had a nice body. His shoulders were round and strong. He filled out the rest of his clothes nicely too. She was especially taken by the chestnut hair that swept across the top of his ears. The rugged hands that gripped the steering wheel were especially manly. Mindy wondered if they would feel rough against her skin. She wanted him to press a palm to her cheek while whispering sweet promises.
Maybe that was a bit much. But at the very least, it would be nice to feel his touch. Mindy placed her hand on the seat between them, making it available. As they continued the drive, her disappointment increased along with the distance they traveled.
“With some guys, you have to guide them,”her mother had advised her earlier.“Especially at your age. They don’t know how to be romantic or charming yet. From what I remember, they’re clueless.”
Mindy waited until they had parked in front of the restaurant and gotten out of the car. Before they walked away, she let her hand bump against Cameron’s—once, twice, and a third time before he finally got the hint and took her hand in his own. That wasn’t so difficult! In fact, she was starting to like the idea of being in control. The night was young, and by the end of it… Who knew what might happen?
— — —
Anthony paced his room, his heart palpitating with anxiety. Was this jealousy? If so, it felt horrible. He couldn’t concentrate on anything, haunted by endless nightmare scenarios. What if Cameron decided that he actuallylikedMindy? He could be bisexual. Although he’d never said anything to suggest that. But itwasentirely possible that Mindy would want to kiss him. How could she not? Cameron would probably reciprocate, if only to avoid hurting her feelings. Or what if she surprised him and planted a big wet one right on his lips?
That shouldn’t matter. Nor should he care that they were having dinner at The Garden of Eatin’, the same place they’d had their first date. Cameron had explained how that came about. It all made sense. This wasn’t about logic though. Anthony couldn’t think himself out of his emotional turmoil, but damn if he wasn’t trying.
The worst part was imagining what could have been. Saturday was arguably the most premium day of the entire week. He could sleep in during the morning and stay up late at night, without having to worry about being in good shape for the next day. Anthony had planned on asking Cameron if he wanted to stay over. They could have been together, right now, if not for this stupid ruse. Ugh!
Anthony grabbed his coat and marched to the door. He didn’t know how to clean up this mess. But he had to do something.