Cameron swung a leg over him, sitting on Anthony’s lap before taking his hands and pulling until he was upright again. Cameron kissed his forehead before looking him in the eye. “Are you worried about your brother?”
“Because of the AIDS comment?” Anthony shook his head. “Mike always talks shit. I know he loves me.”
“That’s great!” Cameron said with a happy laugh. “I’m ready to come out to my parents. Let’s do it!”
Anthony recoiled at the suggestion. “I’m not ready.”
Anthony shrugged, as if unable to explain.
Cameron was confused. If his family was unlikely to have a problem with it, what else was there to worry about? The other kids at school? That was a valid concern. “We’ll only come out to the people we trust,” he promised. “Our families and our closest friends.”
“No!” Anthony said, ripping his hands away before leaning back on his elbows. “That’s a terrible idea!”
Cameron sighed. “We need to. The sooner the better.”
“How come?”
“Because Mindy asked me out. On a date. Right before I came over.”
Anthony stared in response. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. And don’t be mad, but I said yes.”
“What!? Why?”
“Because you said I should!”
“I don’t remember that.” Anthony’s brow crinkled in thought. “But I was right. This is perfect. You’ll go on a date with Mindy, and that will throw everyone off our trail.”
“Or,” Cameron said, “we can come out and never have to deal with such things again.”
Anthony considered him sullenly. “I’m not ready.”
Cameron groaned in frustration. He rolled off and sat next to Anthony again. “Help me understand why. What are you most afraid of? Your parents are cool.”
“I know,” he mumbled.
“Then what? I don’t think Omar will have a problem with it. I mean, if he’s open-minded enough to get a blowjob from Ricky—”
“Shut up,” Anthony growled.
Cameron clamped his mouth shut. He only opened it again to say, “Fine.”
“I’m sorry.” Anthony reached over to take his hand. “I didn’t mean it. I just don’t like hearing about that.”
Which seemed odd, but he tried to be respectful of it. “You have to admit it’s a positive sign that Omar will be okay with you. He’s still friends with Ricky, right?”
“I wish he wasn’t,” Anthony said as his face filled with color.
Cameron scrutinized him, the pieces falling into place. “Omar is the issue. He’s what’s holding you back.”
Anthony started to shake his head. Then he stopped and sighed. “I don’t want to lose him. I won’t take that chance.”
“Why?” Cameron said after clenching his jaw. “Are you in love with him?”
“What?” Anthony said with a strangled laugh.