Page 137 of Pride High

“I’m not too picky,” Cameron said, missing the point completely.

Mindy resisted a sigh. In her fantasies, she would be swept off her feet, barely aware of her own feelings before her dream guy confessed his own. Instead, it looked like she’d have to make the first move. “Where do you like to eat out?”

“There’s a vegetarian place in town that’s really good,” Cameron said with a subtle smile.

“The Garden of Eatin’?” she guessed.

He looked over at her in surprise. “You’ve tried it?”

“No, but I’d love to.” Mindy felt like she was on the vergeof barfing, and not because of the topic of food. She was going to ask him. Right now! “We could go this weekend, if you want. Just me and you.”

Cameron’s surprise increased. Then he turned his head toward the stage, her ego already beginning to crumble. She watched him lick his lips nervously. “You mean like a date?”

“It doesn’t have to be,” she said, mentally kicking herself for giving him an easy out, “but yes.”

“Okay.” Cameron flashed her a smile. “Sounds fun. When should I pick you up?”

He seemed nervous too! Thank goodness. “I’m wide open!” Mindy said before blanching. “Umm…”

Cameron chuckled. “How about Friday night? After rehearsals. We’ll leave from here.”

She started to nod before forcing herself to be more assertive. “I’ll need more time to get ready. And we’ll both be pooped by then.”

“Saturday night then,” Cameron amended, his cheeks flushing. “Does that work for you?”

“Yes,” Mindy said, filling with trembling excitement. “That would be wonderful.”

They made plans, more bashful than they usually were in each other’s presence. But she kind of liked that. Each interaction with him was more intense now, fraught with potential meaning. Even when they said goodbye. They usually didn’t hug, but they did so now. She felt his heart beating fast, thrilled that it did so for her. As they parted ways, she was certain that this was the start of something special.


November 11th, 1992

Cameron forced himself to take a few deep breaths as he parked the station wagon in front of Anthony’s house and walked to the door, accompanied by anxiety. He was going on a date. With a girl. Even though he had a boyfriend. What a mess! Cameron had felt cornered though. Not wanting to hurt Mindy’s feelings and also needing to protect Anthony, the solution had seemed acceptable at the time. To be fair, he’d only had a few seconds to react. And now it was too late. He tried to put the matter out of mind as he knocked on the door.

“I’ve got it!” he heard a muffled voice say from inside. “Seriously. Mom!”

The door swung open. A woman stood there who very much resembled her son. Sure, her hair wasn’t dyed black, and her clothes didn’t look like they’d been ironed by a lawnmower, but the family resemblance was undeniable. Anthony stood right behind her, making it easy to compare. They both had narrow faces with fine features and the same slender build. While she didn’t share her son’s sense of style, her tasteful appearance suggested that she cared about such things.

“You must be Cameron,” she said while stepping aside so he could enter. “I’m Dawn, Anthony’s mother.”

“I bet he figured that out on his own,” Anthony grumbled, his face pink with embarrassment.

“Don’t be so sure. He might have thought you have an older sister.” Dawn raised her eyebrows in expectation.

“I did actually,” Cameron said, following her cue.

She smiled at him before turning to her son. “You see? Come on in, Cameron. Have you eaten yet?”

“No. I came straight here from school.”

“So late?” she asked.

They were walking through a small living room. No one else was around.

“We have rehearsals at the moment.”

“Oh!” Dawn paused at the threshold to the kitchen and looked him over. “You’re in theater? As in musicals and such?”