“Only one way to find out,” he said demurely.
“When Idoget to see for myself,” Cameron said, “how do you imagine it happening? That’s what I was trying to ask originally. I want our first time to be special. For us both.”
God he was sweet. “I don’t want to rush,” Anthony said. “Or worry about getting caught.”
“Me neither. I want us to be comfortable by the time we start.Like maybe I’ll have you over for dinner and we can hang out afterwards. Keep everything like it usually is. And when we feel ready…”
“Or,” Anthony said, “you could sneak over right now.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Yes. But not for that. It’s raining anyway.”
“I have a car now.”
Anthony grappled with temptation before replying. “I don’t trust myself. I haven’t had time to jack off all weekend.”
Cameron laughed. “For the record, while my parents were getting drunk, I locked myself in a bathroom stall and thought about you.”
“In public!” Anthony said. “Kinky.”
“Yeah. But we’ll need privacy. What do you think of the sleepover idea?”
That was easy. “I love it.”
“Great! I should probably meet your parents first. So it feels more natural.”
Anthony thought about it. “My family always orders pizza on Wednesdays so we can watch TV together. Right now we’re intoBeverly Hills, 90210.”
“Yeah. Even my dad likes it. He’s obsessed with Kelly Taylor. Says she reminds him of my mom when they were young. And apparently he was like Dylan McKay, but I think my mom just says that to boost his ego. Either way, they keep hoping Dylan and Kelly will get together on the show.”
“That’s hilarious. Are you sure your parents won’t mind me stopping by?”
“They won’t care. Omar joins us sometimes. Mostly when he’s in the mood for pizza. He doesn’t like the show. Do you?”
“I’m a casual fan,” Cameron said.
“Then you might just survive the experience.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Cameron said. Then he sighed. “I have a paper I need to write before tomorrow.”
“Okay. I’ll let you go. But first…”
Anthony bit his bottom lip in anticipation.
“I love you,” Cameron said.
“I love youtoo,” he replied.
They said goodbye and hung up. Anthony flopped onto his back, grinning at the ceiling. Then he thought about corn dogs, undid the top button of his jeans, and decided that he could afford to procrastinate a little longer.
— — —
Ricky yawned in the high school gymnasium, still groggy, despite it being second period. He and two dozen other guys stood in rows of six, about to begin the usual warm-up routine of push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. They were still stretching when the door to the gym opened.