“You mean outside of school?” Omar replied. “Why would I do that?”
Mindy stared at him aghast.
Ricky watched as she walked faster until she was even with Cameron.
“Haveyouever read the stupid book?” Omar asked him in hushed tones.
“No,” Ricky said. “But I do like the movie.”
“That’s why we’re buds,” Omar said, briefly draping an arm across his shoulders.
Ricky loved the physical contact, choosing to stay close to him as everyone debated which haunted house to visit.
“The Edge of Hell is always good,” Anthony said.
“We did that one last time,” Omar said. “How about The Beast?”
“That’s the line we drove past,” Cameron warned.
“I’ve heard good things about The Big House,” Whitney said. “It’s prison-themed.”
They saw it another block down and went to investigate. It was actually called The Big (Haunted) House, and the line wasn’t bad, so they parked themselves at the end of the queue to wait. Cameron and Mindy were talking about musicals and debating which would be the best for the theater class to perform next year. Anthony hovered near them, although he didn’t seem particularly interested in the topic.
“I love your hair,” Whitney said to Omar. “It’s like the exact opposite of mine.”
“You mean the color?” Omar asked. “I guess it is!”
“Mine’s practically white during the summer,” she responded. “It’s crazy!”
“I bet it’s really pretty.”
“Thanks! Can I touch yours?”
Ricky watched as she ran her fingers along the sides of Omar’s head. “It’s so thick!” she cried.
“You have no idea,” Ricky murmured under his breath.
“Your nails feel good,” Omar said. “I’m getting that dog reaction.” He made one of his legs bounce. Then he started barking, causing her to shriek and pull away.
“Look at his hair now!” Whitney said.
It was sticking up all over, thanks to the treatment she’d given him. Omar mussed it up even more, causing her to laugh. They seemed to get along well. Enough that when Mindy called her over, Ricky sidled up to him and said, “I think she likes you.”
“Oh yeah?” Omar said, glancing in her direction. “Like, she like-likes me?”
“Seems likely,” Ricky responded with a smirk.
Omar quietly digested this news. When the line moved forward, he grabbed Ricky’s arm, holding them a few steps back so he could whisper, “If you see her making a move, you’ve gotta run interference.”
“She’s not your type?”
“I wouldn’t say that. But I think it’s a test.”
Ricky shook his head, not understanding.
“Mindy is friends with Silvia,” Omar explained. “She probably asked Whitney to find out if I actually miss her.”
“You think so?” Ricky said, not hiding his doubt.