Omar looked at him funny. “I’m not gay.”
Yeah, whatever. How many times had Anthony said the same thing? “I’d be okay with it if you were,” he murmured, meaning so much more than mere acceptance.
This seemed to make Omar uncomfortable, but he didn’t deny it a second time.
“Tell me what happened,” Anthony said.
Omar raised an eyebrow. “You want details?”
Anthony nodded, although he was shaking so much that it might not be obvious.
“Here,” Omar said, stripping off the aviator jacket he wore. “You look like you’re on the verge of freezing to death.”
Anthony accepted the jacket gratefully. When he put it on, he could still feel the warmth from Omar’s body and smell his scent on the leather. He struggled with the zipper until Omar brushed his hands away and did it for him. Their eyes met briefly during this. His best friend still seemed uncomfortable.
“It just sort of happened,” Omar said. “We were watching a porno together. His parents have actual videos of X-rated stuffand… You know how when you’re horny enough, just about anything sounds like a good idea?”
Anthony nodded.
“Well… It seemed like a good idea at the time.”
“Did you like it?” Anthony asked.
Omar struggled with the question. “Yeah. It felt great. Amazing! I just wish it had been with a girl.”
What did he mean exactly? Anthony knew how it sounded, but maybe Omar was saying that he wished hefeltthat way about girls. Or maybe he didn’t realize what they could have together. Surely, if it came down to it, Omar would rather be with him than Silvia. They had over a decade of history together, and the only thing she could offer him wasn’t exclusive. Not anymore. “Did it mean anything to you?”
Omar snorted. “Does it have to?”
“No,” Anthony admitted. “I just wondered if it did. For you.”
Omar strode a few paces away while shaking his head before he circled back around. “I’m not sure. I don’t regret doing it exactly. I like Ricky. We’re bros now because of that. It made us closer, I guess.”
Anthony’s jaw clenched. That wasn’t what he wanted to hear. He would have greatly preferred,I only wish it had been with you. Because we’re so close.“Was that the only time?”
“Yeah,” Omar said with a nervous chuckle. “I’m definitely not doing it again. Especially now that…” He swallowed. "I'm crazy about her, man."
Anthony felt like someone was holding a blade to his throat. "Silvia?"
"Yeah. I love her. For real.”
The ache in Anthony’s throat traveled down to his heart. “Are you sure?” he asked in a strained voice.
Omar nodded without even a hint of hesitation. “Yeah.”
“But do you think you could ever feel that way about a guy?”
Omar’s brow furrowed up before he seemed to understand. “Oh. You mean romantic stuff?”
Anthony nodded, his entire body tense with anticipation. “If it was the right kind of guy. Maybe not Ricky. But someone else you really like.”
Omar turned his head to stare down the path. Then he shook it. “I don’t know. That’s a weird question.”
“Is it?”
Omar raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. But I totally get why you’d ask.”
Anthony felt exposed, but then, one of them had to be the first to admit the truth. “You do?”