Page 77 of Pride High

“It would be a strange date otherwise.” Cameron tilted his head. “I get what you mean, but you’ve gone out with guy friends before. To the movies and out to eat?”

“True,” Anthony said. “Nobody would know. Except for us.”

Cameron’s grin matched his own. “Sounds fun, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Anthony said with a chuckle. “It really does.”

“Cool. This weekend?”

Anthony felt surprisingly emotional as he nodded. “Yeah. That’s perfect.”

“Good. Well I have to get home, but we can iron out the remaining details during the week. Where should I pick you up though?”

“We’re actually about two blocks from my house. We’ve been walking…” Anthony spun in a slow circle. “East?”

“West,” Cameron said while shaking his head. “I already know what I’m getting you for Christmas.”

“A compass?”

“Yup! Will you let me walk you home? I know it’s only two blocks, but I don’t want you getting lost.”

Anthony laughed. “Sure!”

They made small talk on the way there, which was good, because Anthony was buzzing too hard for anything more involved. His senses were running on overdrive. The evening air smelled sweeter, the moths whirling around the streetlights struck him as incredibly beautiful, and even the house he’d grown up in seemed a more magical place when they approached it.

“I’d walk you to the door,” Cameron said, “but that would be like eating dessert before you’ve had dinner.”

“I wish there was ice cream waiting for me inside,” Anthony joked. “Not that I want to choke to death, but you’ve given me the munchies.”

Cameron winked at him. “I think you’re sweet too. See you around school. Oh! About that…”

“You want to fly under the radar,” Anthony said, and when he saw an apologetic wince, he immediately added, “I feel the same way. This is a lot to figure out. And I like it! But yeah. I’m happy to keep this between us.”

“Although we might run into each other on the way to biology,” Cameron murmured.

“By complete coincidence,” Anthony said while fighting down another smile. “Who knows?”

Just like earlier in the day, Cameron seemed unwilling to leave him. Anthony would have happily welcomed him in. Not to do anything serious, but to keep talking until the sun came up. That would have been nice. In the end, they managed to find the strength to part ways, but it was only a physical separation. Cameron remained in his thoughts as he went inside and up to his room, where he continued to haunt Anthony well into his dreams.


October 9th,1992

Ricky’s pencil moved back and forth across his notebook as the teacher continued to lecture them about Charles Dickens. He hoped it appeared as though he was taking notes, when in reality, he was trying to decide what aliens would look like by drawing them. He didn’t have any artistic talent, but at least the subject matter was forgiving. For all he knew, maybe the natives of planet Octopumpdidhave tentacles attached to their necks, instead of their backs as he’d intended to depict. Neck tentacles could be useful. Like when he needed both his hands free while talking on the phone. Not that he had anyone to call.

He let the pencil clatter to the desk’s surface and sighed. Then he began glancing around the room. To his left in particular. Boredom always made him horny, and unfortunately, the hottest guy in this class was Diego Gomez. A confirmed asshole, as Omar had once put it. And he really was a terrible jerk. With a great body. Angling his head ever so slightly, Ricky checked him out from the corner of his eye.

Diego’s right arm was resting on his desk. He never even pretended to take notes. His fingers were like sausages, his massive hands attached to thick wrists. Despite the potential danger, Ricky turned his head more so he could follow a vein that snaked up the tanned skin to a girthy forearm. A bulging bicep was next, as was a bare rounded shoulder. Diego wore a lot of sleeveless shirts, even though it was getting chilly outside. All those muscles must keep him warm. Would they feel hot to the touch?

It wasn’t only his body that intrigued Ricky. By some cruel twist of fate, Diego was also handsome… in a terrifyingly monstrous sort of way. He had thick features that were undeniably masculine. A wide nose, heavy eyebrows that were always scowling, and a strong jaw that often flexed with tension. His black hair was cut short and slick with styling product. Was it gel? Or maybe some kind of oil? And those copper-colored eyes…

…were currently filled with promised carnage as they glared atRicky. Shit! He quickly turned his attention to the front again and grabbed his pencil to write down random words, as if he’d suddenly been inspired. All of which was incredibly pointless, because when he checked the corner of his eye again, Diego was still shooting daggers in his direction.

Ricky did his best to ignore him for the rest of class. He made plans to rush to the cafeteria the moment the bell rang. At least he had friends there. Not that Omar and the others could take Diego, but they would at least make sure Ricky got to the emergency room afterwards. He started packing his things during the last five minutes of the period. Diego noticed and began to do the same. Great.

When the bell rang, Ricky hurried for the door, but Diego was closer to it. They squeezed out at the same time.

“What’s the hurry?” Diego growled.