“Down to the very last detail,” he said. “Are you having fun?”
“Yes,” she said. “Although this isverydifferent from the birthday parties I’ve had.”
“What are yours like?” he asked.
“Last year, I went out to lunch with Mindy and my family.”
“Somewhere fancy?”
“You know the buffet that used to be a bingo parlor?”
He laughed. “I love that place. Maybe I’ll do that next year instead. I don’t know who half of these people are.”
“Yeah.” He nodded to the left and whispered. “I don’t think she goes to our school.”
Silvia followed his gaze and laughed when she saw Mamani and Cameron slow dancing together.
“They make a cute couple,” Silvia murmured.
“I bet we look even cuter. Speaking of which…” He turned them toward the kitchen, where his mother was standing with a camera poised and ready. “Say cheese.”
Silvia laughed just as the photo was taken. “You really did plan this!”
“Just a little. You’re the best thing about my birthday, you know that? The gifts and the cake…” He shook his head. “I don’t care about any of it. Just you.”
“What about the presentIbrought you?” Silvia asked in teasing tones.
“It’s my absolute favorite,” he said.
“You haven’t even seen it!”
“Doesn’t matter. It’s the best. And so are you.” The song was coming to an end, so he hugged her, surprised by how tightly she hugged him back. Silvia didn’t let go until a faster song began to play.
“Is everyone here?” she asked, looking concerned.
Omar shrugged. “I don’t think it’ll get much more crowded.”
“Yes, but is there anyone missing?”
“I don’t think so,” he said, glancing around. “Ghalen said he probably wouldn’t get here until later, so he can do the fire-eating stuff when it’s dark out. That’ll be cool. Everyone else is…” He double-checked. “Oh wait, Ricky hasn’t shown up yet.”
“A friend of mine from journalism. You know, the freshman? I wanted you guys to meet.”
“You should call him,” Silvia said.
“Nah,” Omar said. “He’ll show up when he’s ready.”
“Unless he doesn’t know the address.”
“He should. Although he’s only been here at night, before we went to the haunted houses. Maybe he couldn’t find it again.”
“Then you should call him.” Silvia was already pulling on his arm. “Come on. We can go up to your room. I’ll give you your present.”
“Oh yeah?” Omar asked with a sly grin.