Page 158 of Pride High

“There ya go,” Diego said, the joint still extended.

Ricky took it and sniffed. “It smells like a skunk!” he said with a laugh.

“Yeah. It does.”

Ricky handed it back. “I don’t know how to smoke.”

Diego shrugged. “Want me to teach you?”

“Yeah! Kind of. But I thought…”


Ricky swallowed. “I’d rather do the other stuff.”

Diego’s brow furrowed. “You mean acid?”

“No! What we talked about. Earlier.”

Diego stared at him. “You were serious?”

“Isn’t that why we’re out here?”

“No.” Diego held up the joint. “I wanted to get you high. I think you’re cool.” He glanced down at himself meaningfully, then back up at Ricky. “But if you really want to, go ahead.”

Ricky swallowed and began to reach for Diego’s jeans with shaking hands. Then he dropped them. This was a trap. A trick. As soon as Ricky touched him… “You’re just going to beat me up or something horrible.”

Diego tucked the joint behind an ear and shook his head. “I won’t hurt you.”

Ricky licked dry lips, unable to get himself to move.

“You don’t have to,” Diego added.

“I want to,” Ricky said defiantly. He searched those cinnamon eyes, having to tilt his head upward. Diego was huge. And that was hot. But he wasn’t about to do this in shame. “You’re right about me,” he admitted. “I am gay.”

“Good,” Diego grunted in response. “I’m really fuckin’ horny.”

Any remaining doubt was drowned in a deluge of hormones. Ricky reached out and placed his hand on the waistband of Diego’s jeans. He began ripping at the black leather belt, glancing up to gauge the reaction to this transgression. Diego was grinning. He had a nice smile, his cheeks creasing around dimples that weren’t visible otherwise. Ricky stared for a moment, struck by how incredibly handsome he was. If only he always smiled like that! He was about to get a whole lot happier, because Ricky knew what he was doing, and from the looks of the ever-growing bulge, Diego was more than willing.


They both turned at the sound of a new voice. They could see someone moving through the trees. Ricky caught sight of black and red hair, his stomach sinking.

“Get away from him!” Anthony said as he burst into the clearing.

Diego swore and walked away while buckling his belt. Rickyturned around, intending to tell Anthony to go away, but it was hard to be heard over the commotion.

“Don’t you dare lay a finger on him!” Anthony was shouting, his attention on Diego. “Try picking on someone your own size, you coward!”

“Is that a threat?” Diego yelled back.

“I’m not scared of you.” Anthony marched over to where Ricky stood. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get out of here.”

“I’m fine!” Ricky insisted.

“You’re really not,” Anthony said, grabbing his arm and beginning to pull. “He’s a psychopath, and you’re going to get killed. Let’s go!”

“Stop,” Ricky said, trying to shake him off.