Page 156 of Pride High

“That’s all right,” Omar said with a playful nudge. “To be honest, I’ve never done anything in the grove either. I bet no one really does. Although I could set up my camcorder and find out.We’ll cover it in leaves or something, so it’s hidden.”

Ricky laughed before anxiety took hold again. But a new ingredient had been added to his stewing emotions. Anticipation!

— — —

“How about a pool party?”

Anthony slowed as they reached the curb that marked the beginning of the school parking lot. The afternoon sun had warmed what began as a chilly day, the sky clear now, but it was still jacket weather. He glanced over at his best friend to see if he was kidding. Omar grinned. Like he was proud of the idea.

“It’s too—”

“Cold?” Omar interrupted. “I thought of that. It’ll be a heated pool. Imagine babes in bikinis lounging around my backyard.”

Anthony narrowed his eyes, still uncertain if he was being messed with. “You parents don’t have a pool.”

“Which is why I’ll rent one. That’s a thing, isn’t it?” Omar kept pushing down on the end of his skateboard with one foot, making it bounce up and down like a diving board, although he seemed unaware of his actions, too caught up in the dream. “I’ve always wanted to have a pool party. It’ll be so epic! We’ll get some tunes going, grill some burgers… I mentioned the bikinis, right?”

“I’m especially excited to see Dave and David in theirs,” Anthony murmured.

“Exactly,” Omar replied, still lost in his own world. “Silvia and I will go for a swim together, and afterwards we’ll sit on the edge of the pool and talk. About sexual stuff probably.”

“While slowly getting hypothermia,” Anthony added. “Romantic! And won’t she be impressed when she notices how small and wrinkled your wiener is from being so cold and wet.”

Omar grimaced. “Maybe I should rent a hot tub instead.”

“Now you’re talking,” Anthony said. “Sign me up for that. Speaking of Silvia… Are you going to the record store today?”

“Yeah! You wanna tag along?”

“If you don’t mind. I have a list of songs I want to check out, and there’s a new album by—”

“Some band I’ve never heard of?” Omar teased. “Let’s go.”

“I’ll catch up with you actually,” Anthony said, scanning the parking lot. “I have to tell Mike that I don’t need a ride.” That, and he preferred to show up after all the affectionate stuff was out of the way. He felt weird sitting there while it happened.Especially since he was tempted to watch, if only to see what it would be like to kiss his best friend.

“All right, man,” Omar said, offering an elbow bump in parting. “I’ll see you there.”

Once he skated away, Anthony walked to where Mike had parked the truck this morning. His brother showed up a few minutes later.

“I’m going to hang out on Main Street,” Anthony explained. “Wanna give me a ride there?”

“Nope,” Mike said. “See ya!”

Anthony didn’t expect a different answer. Nor did he mind. It really was a beautiful day. He was walking through the parking lot when he noticed Ricky cutting across the adjoining field, as if he intended to enter the woods on the far side. They were almost parallel with each other, so Anthony slowed, not wanting to interact with him. Half a minute later, he saw someone else walking across the field. Diego Gomez! He was trailing behind Ricky, as if stalking prey.

Anthony whistled under his breath. “It was nice knowing you, Ricky,” he murmured. “I hope you’ve got some bagels in that backpack of yours. It’s the only way you’ll survive.”

He managed a laugh, but as he watched Ricky disappear into the woods, it became clear that Diego really was following him. The big jerk went down the exact same path. Anthony swallowed in concern. Ricky would be fine. He’d probably hear a twig snap, see Diego behind him, and run all the way home. And he’d probably make it.

Anthony kept walking, touching the list in his pocket that he’d made while watching120 Minuteson MTV. A blank tape was in his backpack. He had so many leads that he worried he wouldn’t be able to copy all the songs before he had to be home for dinner. And afterwards, when he was in his room listening to the new music, he’d be interrupted by an inquisitive police officer investigating the recent murder of a clueless freshman.

Anthony slowed to a stop. He stared at the woods, expecting to hear a scream from them at any moment. After a sigh, he began walking across the field, heading for where he’d seen Ricky disappear.

— ——

“Keep walking.”

That’s all Diego had said when Ricky bumped into him outside after school. Then he had nodded toward the woods. Feeling like he was marching toward his death, Ricky had gone in the indicated direction. Part of him didn’t care about the danger. He realized he was probably going to get beat up. If he survived at all. Although, if Diego actually went through with this…