She saw Anthony heading for the exit, moving faster than anyone usually did at a restaurant. He was clearly upset. And it was her fault. She didn’t know why, nor did it matter. “Anthony!” she called.
He stopped in his tracks but didn’t turn around.
“Anthony,” she repeated. “Over here!”
He finally spun around to face her, and bless him, he was wearing a brave smile. “Heeey,” Anthony said while walking over to their table. “What are you guys doing here?”
“We’re on a date,” Cameron said pointedly.
“Yeah, sort of,” Mindy said easily. “We never get enough time to talk during the school week, so we thought it would be fun to have a night out on the town. Why don’t you join us?”
“I’m not hungry,” Anthony murmured.
“That’s fine,” she replied. “We’re going to a movie afterwards. Come with! It’ll be fun.”
Anthony stared at her, as if unsure what to think.
“Stop being silly.” Mindy pulled on the chair next to hers. “We’re all friends here.”
“Yeah,” Cameron said, forcing away the confusion on his face. “Join us. Please.”
Anthony sat down.
“You know, it’s funny,” Mindy said. “I’ve been on dates with both of you now, and if I’m honest, you feel more like my brothers. Although I only have a sister, so maybe that’s wrong. All I know is that it’s nice to hang out with you. As friends.”
“Did I just get dumped?” Cameron asked.
“Don’t take it personally,” Mindy replied. “You don’t like to read, and that’s a deal-breaker for me.”
“Ouch!” Anthony said, his posture becoming less rigid. “She did the same thing to me. Mindy is a real heartbreaker.”
“Now you tell me,” Cameron said, smiling at her in a way that sure seemed grateful. “I envy the guy that finally meets her standards. He’s going to be very lucky.”
Okay, that was certainly good for her ego. “I don’t mind if everyone hears about this at school,” she said innocently. “It can’t hurt my reputation. Guys live for the chase, don’t they?”
Anthony shrugged. Then he looked panicked and nodded. “Yeah! Absolutely. Hey... is that hummus?”
“Yes,” Cameron said before Mindy could correct him. “Try it. Let us know what you think.”
They watched his face and laughed when Anthony looked surprised. Then they groaned when he went in for more. That dispelled the tension. Everything felt easy afterward. Like three friends hanging out, which she supposed they were. Although it would be nice if she could go on a date with an actual straight guy next time. Maybe shewouldask for references. Just to be on the safe side.
November 15th, 1992
Cameron was buzzing as he went downstairs, freshly showered and dressed, to the kitchen. He grinned while making breakfast, thinking of how fun the night before had been. A double date of sorts with Mindy and Anthony. They’d joked around so much that the other patrons at the restaurant shot them annoyed glares. And when they’d gone to a movie afterwards, Anthony held Cameron’s hand during part of it, despite Mindy being on his other side. He was pretty sure she’d noticed, without seeming to mind. She was too smart not to realize the truth. Cameron couldn’t muster any romantic feelings for her, but he already loved Mindy as a person.
What a gift she had given them! Anthony must realize that at least one of their friends would accept who they were. Although doubt could be nearly as difficult to overcome as fear. They hadn’t talked about any of it yet. Cameron had dropped Anthony off first, not wanting to explain to Mindy’s father why she was accompanied by two guys instead of one. They would have time to discuss everything today. Anthony was finally going to meet his family. Cameron could already imagine, at the end of the day when his parents inevitably said how much they enjoyed his company, how he would respond to them:
“I’m glad to hear it, because Anthony is more than my friend. In fact, he’s my boyfriend.”
What a way to come out! He should probably mark the date on his calendar, because it was bound to be special to him for the rest of his life.
“Look at this!” his mother said when entering the kitchen. “Pancakes? You spoil us!”
“It’s just about ready,” Cameron replied with a toothy grin. “Would you mind setting the table?”
“I should be cooking for you.” Brenda smooched him on the back of the head before she went to the cutlery drawer.