Page 133 of Pride High

November 8th, 1992

Anthony was sitting up in bed, the phone resting against his leg while he worked on a music review that was due on Monday. The second the phone rang, he grabbed it and pressed it to his ear.


“Hey,” Cameron said.

“Hold up,” Anthony replied. There was a click on the line. “I’ve got it,” he said.

“Whatever,” Mike replied before hanging up.

“Hang on,” Anthony said to Cameron. “There’s one more coming.” Sure enough, another click followed. “I’ve got it, Mom.”

“How’d you know it was me?”

“Because Mike already picked up and Dad never answers the phone.”

“Oh. Who are you talking to?”

“Cameron. Now hang up!”

“Fine, fine,” she said. But there wasn’t another click. “I don’t think we’ve ever met, Cameron.”

“That’s right,” Cameron replied. “How are you, Mrs. Cullen?”

“I’m hanging up,” Anthony warned. “Have fun talking to my friend, Mom.”

“All right, honey,” Dawn said with good humor. “I’ll hang up. It was nice talking to you, Cameron.”

“You too, ma’am.”

“Ma’am?” Anthony repeated after they heard the telltale click. “You sure are polite.”

“Moms love me,” Cameron murmured smugly.

“I bet they do.” Anthony sank into his pillows while grinning. “How was the trip withyourparents?”

“Great!” Cameron said. “I just love being stuck in the car for hours on end while they bicker. And the wine tasting they drove us to? Super fun. Especially when you’re not old enough to drink.”

“They needed a designated driver.”

“You’d think. My dad drove us home anyway. I felt like athird wheel the entire day. But hey, my parents gave me life, so I can’t complain too much.”

“Especially when they did such a good job.”

“You think so?” Cameron asked. “Did you miss me?”

“Yes,” Anthony confirmed. “Especially when I was raking leaves.”

“Oh, fun!”

“Yeah,” he said with a sigh. “It’s been a weird day.”

“Why’s that?”

“Omar and Silvia got back together.”

“You make it sound like bad news. I thought you wanted that to happen. You like Silvia, don’t you?”