Page 121 of Pride High

“Official?” Cameron asked.

“Yeah. You know… Be committed to each other.”

“I already am committed to you,” Cameron replied. “That’s why we should think about coming out. When we’re both ready. It’s like I told you before, when I find the right guy, I don’t plan on keeping him a secret.”

“And that’s me?” Anthony asked.

“Or it could be Mindy,” Cameron said, sounding aloof. “I guess we’ll find out.”

“Just fart a bunch on the drive downtown tomorrow. That’ll scare her off.”

“What about you?”

“It drives mewild,” Anthony said. “On our honeymoon, I want you to eat lots of chili.”

“Yeah, now I’m thinking I might not be gay at all. So no need to come out.”

“I don’t care as long as you’re gay for me,” Anthony said.

Cameron glanced over at him. “I’m definitely that.”

The field came into view, the willow a fuzzy gray shadow against the charcoal-etched backdrop of trees. Anthony couldn’t wait any longer. He grabbed Cameron’s hand and began running. They were both laughing by the time they made it beneath the curtain of branches, a carpet of freshly fallen leaves under their feet.

Anthony pulled his boyfriend close.

“Whoa!” Cameron exclaimed after leaning back in surprise. “Are you happy to see me?”

“Yeah,” Anthony answered, “but my dick doesn’t have as many corners.” He moved aside the flap of his coat to reveal the inside pocket, which had earbud wires sticking out. “It’s my Walkman. Let me see the tape I gave you.”

Cameron complied. Anthony popped the tape in. Then he repeatedly tried putting one of the buds in his boyfriend’s ear, but he kept laughing and pulling away, like it tickled.

“Let me do it,” Cameron said.

Anthony handed him an earbud and mirrored his actions, so they could both listen at the same time. “Like I said, these songs make me think about you. The first one especially. Every time I hear it…” He shook his head, struggling to find the words. “It’s like somebody took what I feel for you and turned it into music.” He was nervous as he hit play. The first notes sounded more like a harp than an actual guitar. Cameron knew the song already. “Ceremony” by New Order. The first track on the tape that Anthony had borrowed from him.

Cameron was searching his eyes as the music played. His chest began to heave halfway through. And when the guitars really started tearing it up, he threw himself into Anthony’s arms and began kissing him. The earbuds fell out as they reached up to touch each other’s faces and hair, the music reduced to a distant soundtrack, but that was fine. Anthony had found the words he’d been searching for.

“I love you,” he said before holding his breath and waiting for a reply.

Cameron didn’t disappoint him. He did the one thing that Omar never could. He said it back with just as much meaning. “I love you too, Anthony.”


October 31st, 1992

Ricky stood at the end of his driveway, watching throngs of costumed kids crowd the sidewalks as they moved from house to house. Halloween was popular back in Colorado, but here in Pride, it appeared to be a major event. He stared in confusion at three kids who had all chosen to dress up as Leonardo fromTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,before a honk pulled his attention away. A station wagon was idling in the street. He approached it, feeling like a prostitute as he bent over to look through the passenger-side window. At a cowboy.

“Wanna hitch a ride on my wagon?” Cameron asked in an exaggerated drawl. He wore a brown cowboy hat and a fake mustache that was rectangular and probably supposed to be part of a Groucho Marx costume. The denim jacket he’d seen before, but not the checkered flannel shirt beneath it.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one who dressed up,” Ricky said as he climbed inside.

“You’re the Riddler, right?” Cameron asked as he put the car in drive.

In a villainous voice, he replied, “Who is the valedictorian in a green gown whose wits are sure to bring the Batman down?”

Cameron replied in a country accent. “Nice to meet you, partner! My name is Rawhide Jenkins.”

“You look really hot in a cowboy hat,” Ricky said breathily.