Page 118 of Pride High

“Cameron Huxley,” Mindy said, adoring how even his name made her heart go pitter-patter. “He’s in my theater group. Do you know him?”

“I can put a face to the name, yeah.”

“He’s incredibly handsome,” Mindy said with a sigh. “And I just know he’d be a gentleman. The kind who would insist on walking me home after school. And after our dates.”

Silvia looked uncomfortable.

“Don’t tell me Omar did that too!”

“He was always trying to bring me home.”

“Probably for other reasons,” Mindy said with a huff. “Cameron would be filled with passion for me as well, but he’d always say, ‘Only when you’re ready, m’lady.’”

“M’lady?” Silvia repeated with a snort.

“That’s right,” Mindy replied with a grin. “And he’d show up for our first date on horseback.”

“That’ll limit your dining options to the drive-thru.”

“No it wouldn’t,” Mindy said, still caught up in her fantasy. “He’d lift me onto the horse and we’d ride to some hidden meadow, filled with flowers, where we’d have a picnic.”

“And get stung by bees,” Silvia teased.

“It’s better than your romantic fishing date,” Mindy said, sticking out her tongue.

“I liked it!” Silvia tossed a cotton ball at her. “That was one of our best dates.”

“Oh god, maybe youaremeant for each other,” Mindy said.

“Who knows? What about you and Cameron? Are the sparks flying yet?”

Mindy felt herself deflate as she exhaled. “I don’t know. We talk a lot during class, but he still hasn’t asked me out. I’m not even sure he likes me that way because he’s so nice to everyone.You should see how he gets people motivated. He’ll ask us to gather ’round him and then tell us his plan with so much enthusiasm that it’s contagious. Afterwards you really feel like you have a purpose. Cameron should try directing next year. I bet he’ll become a leader of some sort eventually. He’ll probably go into politics, which will put a strain on our relationship, because I’ll have a career of my own and won’t have time to be the first lady.”

“Now he’s going to become president?” Silvia asked. “Wow. You must really like him.”

“I do,” Mindy admitted.

“He’s friends with Anthony. You could ask him if Cameron likes you.”

“No need. Keisha is going to find out for me. If he does, she’ll give him my phone number.”

“Really?” Silvia asked, beaming like a good outcome was inevitable.

“Yes, and I already regret it.”

“How come?”

“I don’t want to be let down. Not yet. I’m still enjoying the fantasy.”

“I can’t imagine it staying that way much longer,” Silvia said. “You’re smart, pretty, and fun to be around. In fact, you’re one of my favorite people.”

“Aww!” Mindy said, genuinely touched. “I love you too. Now if only I could find a guy who felt the same way.”

Silvia shook her head. “They’re more trouble than they’re worth.”

“So you’renotgetting back together with Omar?”

“I don’t know. He’s been coming around the store again lately. I missed him, for what that’s worth.” She cast around on the vanity for something to distract her, settling on a bottle of perfume that she sniffed tentatively. “I just worry about what will happen if we get together again and I need to break up with him next year, no matter the reason. We barely dated for a month and he already claims that he loves me.”