“What are we going to do for Halloween?” Anthony asked.
“Something cool,” Omar said. “Silvia and I were supposed to take her little brother trick-or-treating, but I guess that isn’t happening now.”
Frustration rose up in Anthony. He wished her memory would stop haunting them. It was over. Let her remain in the past. But it had been like this all week. He couldn’t mention anything without it conjuring up Silvia somehow. Which was dumb, because Omar didn’t need her. If he wanted love, Anthony could give it to him. Sex? No problem. Anything in between? He was up for it! Maybe his friend simply didn’t realizewhat they could have together. “You know I’d do anything for you,” Anthony said from around a constricting throat. “Right? Absolutely anything. Name it.”
Omar looked over at him, as if surprised. “Can you get Silvia to take me back?”
“I thought you were done with her!”
“Not by choice!”
Anthony glowered before realization struck him. The same frustration he felt now, the single-minded obsessive focus on what could be, even though it wasn’t… that’s how Omar felt about her. But there was no way in hell that he actually loved Silvia more than him, and Anthony knew how to prove it.
“Would you take a bullet for me?” he asked.
“Yup,” Omar said without hesitation. Then he grinned. “Wait, give me a scenario. That’ll make it more fun.”
“Okay, we’re at the mall, and there’s a total psychopath there who wants us dead.”
“Make it Diego Gomez,” Omar said with a cackle.
“Perfect! Diego is mowing everyone down with an automatic rifle. You and me have just made it to the elevator, and the doors are closing, but he’s already pointing his gun at us and about to fire.”
“So I step in front of you as a human shield—” Omar began shaking his body as if it was being riddled by bullets, “—giving you just enough time to escape.”
“Which I use to go to the sporting goods store, so I can gear up with goalie pads and a baseball bat. Then I return to the scene of the crime to avenge you.”
“You know what I’m going to say.” Omar was grinning at him. “We’ve gotta film this! We’ll even get Diego to play himself.”
“Have fun asking him,” Anthony said with an exaggerated shudder. “And if he does agree, make sure you’re using blanks. Otherwise he might get bored and decide to kill us for real.”
Omar laughed and added more details to the plot. Anthony barely heard, high off the thought that Omar would be willing to die for him.Thatwas love. And it went both ways. Anthony had promised to do anything that he wanted. Now it was time to deliver.
“I’ll talk to her,” he said.
“Huh?” Omar replied before realization hit him. “Silvia? You’ll get her to take me back?”
Anthony took a deep breath. “I’ll try.”
“You’re the best!” Omar wrapped his arms around Anthony, lifted him off his feet, and spun them both around. “For real, man. The absolute best!”
Anthony laughed as he was released again. Even though he ached inside. How strange that both emotions could coexist. But they did. And now he would prove just how much he loved Omar in return. Anthony would be taking a bullet for him after all. Right through the heart.
October 27th, 1992
Silvia watched as Anthony danced around the record store. Not literally, but he would press play and record on the double tape deck, become inspired, and rush through the store to find another song before the first one had finished. It was nice to have him back. Silvia had missed his visits, although she understood the reason for his absence. Breaking up meant more than leaving that person. You also lost access to the world they inhabited, including their circle of friends.
“Last one,” Anthony said as he switched cassettes. “Thanks for letting me do this.”
“You’re always welcome here,” Silvia said. “Even though I bet it’s awkward for you now.”
Anthony shrugged. “Omar never said we couldn’t hang out. He still likes you. He doesn’t say anything mean at all.”
Which was a relief, and made her feel dumb for reacting the way she had, because Omar was proving more trustworthy than she’d expected. “I’m glad. How’s he doing?”
‘Honestly?” Anthony said. Then he seemed to remember their previous conversation and laughed.