Omar waited a moment before turning the song up again, but only loud enough to hear.
“Queensrÿche, huh?” Anthony said, eager to make conversation after hours of ear-numbing music. “You haven’t played them for a while.”
“You better not give me any shit about it,” Omar grumbled. “They’re an awesome band, and I don’t care what anyone thinks about me or my music.”
Whoa! The hostility practically radiated off him. “Don’t worry,” Anthony said, hoping to lighten the mood. “Queensrÿche is on the approved list.”
Omar scowled at him before returning his attention to the game. Anthony had already fallen behind in the race. He was more concerned about their friendship, because it was easy to see why Omar would blame him for the breakup. Anthonyshould have kept his mouth shut when Silvia had started interrogating him. That’s what a good best friend would have done. “‘November Rain’ is a perfect breakup song,” Anthony said, swallowing against the guilt. “And you like Guns N’ Roses. Although if you everweregoing to listen to The Cure, now would be the time.”
Omar didn’t respond, so Anthony did his best imitation of Robert Smith, the lead singer. In a hokey British accent he said, “It’s okay for lads like us to cry, Omar. I’ll even let you borrow one of my hankies. Look, it’s black with wee li’l purple monkeys on it. They’re very thirsty. Won’t you let them drink your tears? They’d be ever so grateful.”
Omar just shook his head and frowned, like hedidwant to cry. Jesus, he was devastated! And it was all Anthony’s fault.
A lump formed in his throat. He hit the pause button and squeaked out, “I’m really sorry. I hate seeing you so… ” His voice came to a strangled halt as his chin trembled, but he forced himself to continue. “I fucked up.”
Omar’s posture finally relaxed as he exhaled. “Nah, man. It’s my fault. That stupid fucking blowjob! I never should have…” He rolled his eyes rather than continue.
“You regret it?” Anthony asked.
“Yeah! Of course! Everything was going so well.” Omar tossed his controller aside. “I really liked her. And if I just hadn’t…” He shook his head. “I’m such a dumbass.”
“You aren’t! I’m the one who got you in trouble. I feel terrible.”
“Don’t,” Omar said with a huff. “How could you have known? In a way, I kind of lied to you both.” His brow furrowed up. “Although technically, I only let you believe something that wasn’t true. Which is different. In my mind anyway.”
“It really is,” Anthony said, shifting to face him.
“You think so?” Omar asked, doing the same.
“Yeah! No matter what she says, technically you didn’t lie. If I said the Earth is flat and you decided to ignore me, how is that being deceptive?”
“It isn’t!”
“Not at all.”
Omar leaned back on his elbows. “I’m so glad you get it, man.”
“I really do. You’re in the clear with me.” Anthony’s heart was thudding in his chest. “I know it hurts now, but maybe you don’t need her at all. You’ve got options. If you look around.”
Omar was already shaking his head. “I don’t want anyone else.”
“Even after she was mean to you?”
Omar swallowed. “She wasn’t being mean. Something else is going on. I just don’t get what.” He sighed and stood up. “Wanna grab a burger? I’m starving.”
Anthony got up and went to the bed, where he’d left his jacket. Orajacket, since he was still using the one that Omar had loaned him the other night. “I’ll make sure to give this back to you soon,” Anthony said while shrugging it on. “It’s just really comfortable.” Along with all the associations it held.
“Nah, you can keep it,” Omar said from the depths of his walk-in closet. “I never really liked it. I was only wearing it because of you-know-who.” He reappeared wearing a leather jacket pierced with silver buttons and crisscrossed by metal zippers. “Besides, it’s not even the right color.”
“You do look good in black,” Anthony said. That was only half the truth. He looked incredibly hot!
“Thanks,” Omar said while considering him. “That looks better on you than it ever did me. Whoever the next girl is, I’m going to be myself whether she likes it or not.”
“Hell yeah,” Anthony said, bumping elbows with him.
They went outside and began walking toward the downtown area. Slivers of blue sky cut through the gray clouds above. Each time the wind blew, golden leaves spiraled around them.