Ty stood next to his black BMW parked heading the wrong way next to the curb. Darkness surrounded him, and a cool breeze blew off Elliott Bay, tossing several strands of Faith’s hair in front of her face.

“Mrs. Duffy.”

“Mr. Savage.”

He opened the passenger door. “Nice coat.”

She stepped in front of him and looked through the darkness into his face. Stark white bandage strips were taped at the corner of his left eye. The same breeze that tossed her hair about her head brought the scent of his skin to her nose and she breathed him in. She placed her hands on his chest and raised her face to his. Beneath the cotton of his dress shirt, his muscles bunched and turned hard.

Ty lowered his mouth and kissed her. His lips pressed into hers and something hot and intense flooded her senses and her fingers curled into the fabric warmed by his flesh. His tongue touched hers as his hand slid between the lapels of her raincoat. His warm hand cupped her breast and he fanned his thumb over her nipple.

Just when she gave serious thought to grabbing his wrist and leading him upstairs, he lifted his head and pulled his hand from her coat. “Get in,” he ordered, his voice a bit gravelly from exhaustion or lust or both.

He opened the door and she sat in the passenger seat and looked up at him. “What sort of twisted positions do you have planned for me?” she asked.

“Working our way from one end of my mattress to the other.”

She pulled her feet inside and remembered his king-size bed. “That could take a while.”


Chapter 15

The brush of something warm across Faith’s shoulder brought her out of a sound sleep. Her lids fluttered open and she turned to stare into a pair of brilliant blue eyes a few inches from her face. Smile lines appeared in the corners, wrinkling the white strips covering Ty’s stitches as he lightly bit her shoulder.

“Good morning,” he said against her skin.

“What time is it?”

“A little before noon.”

“Oh my God!” She sat up and the white sheet slid to her waist. “It’s late.” A sudden knot of panic kicked up the beat of her heart and tightened her stomach. She hadn’t woken up in a man’s bed in…she didn’t know how long. She pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts and glanced back over her shoulder at him. He looked at ease and relaxed in a gray T-shirt and a pair of loose shorts. “You’re dressed.”

“I ran five miles on the treadmill.”

“And you didn’t wake me?”

He rolled onto his back on top of the thick black paisley comforter and stacked his hands behind his head. “You were out.” His gaze ran down her bare back. “You didn’t get to sleep until around five.”

“Neither did you.”

“I don’t need a lot of sleep.”

With one hand she held the sheet to her chest and rubbed her face with the other. Her heart pounded in her throat as she lo

oked around the room at the sparse oak furniture and the blinds closed across the huge, arching window. “Don’t you have practice?” She was twenty minutes from home—if the traffic was good—with nothing but a raincoat. What had seemed like such a fine idea last night felt like a horrible mistake in the harsh light of day.

“Not for a while.” He sat up and pushed her hair behind her shoulder. “I thought I’d drop you off on my way and pick you back up afterward.”

Her heart pounded in her ears. She didn’t even have a pair of panties. There was a time in her life when that wouldn’t have bothered her, but that was a long time ago. A different time and a whole different life. She’d been a different person, and that wasn’t her anymore. Anxiety tightened her forehead and she feared she was going to have a panic attack. She’d worked hard to put that kind of life behind her.


She looked at him. “Yes.”

“Did you hear what I said?”

“You have to go to practice.”