She turned her head and looked at the glowing numbers on her bedside clock. “Do you know what time it is?”

There was a pause and then, “Three fifteen.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m in my car. Sitting in front of your building.”

She sat up and pushed the cover aside. “You’re kidding.”

“No. We just landed a half hour ago. Did you watch the game?”

“Yeah.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed. “How’s your eyebrow?”

“I got five stitches.”

“It looked like it hurt.”

“Like a son of a bitch. You should come down and kiss it better.”

“Right now?”


“I’m not dressed.”

“At all?”

Through the darkness, she glanced down at her Looney Tunes T-shirt. “Completely naked.”

He cleared his throat. “Throw on a coat. I promise I won’t look.”

She smiled and shook her head. “Looking isn’t what gets us into trouble.”

His voice lowered and he said, “You like trouble. Apparently, so do I.”

She did. She liked it a lot. “What kind of trouble were you thinking we should get into?”

“The kind that has you naked and in my bed. Since you’re already naked, maybe you should just come on down and go the rest of the way.”

She shouldn’t. Really shouldn’t. “That would be inappropriate.”


“And you don’t regret what happened the other night?”

“Not yet, but I’ve got a few twisted positions with your name on ’em. I figure that after tonight, we’ll be filled with enough shame and regret to last a while.”

“It sounds like you’ve been thinking about me.”

“A lot.”

She’d thought about him, too. She shouldn’t have, but she couldn’t help herself. And while he might not regret what had happened, she should. But at that moment, listening to his voice and knowing he was parked outside wanting her, she didn’t feel anything but a hot curl of lust tugging at the pit of her stomach. “Me too,” she answered just above a whisper. “There’s a golf tournament this summer. I think I need to practice.”

“Honey, you can practice with my nine iron all you want.”

“I’ll grab my coat.” She hung up the phone, then stepped out of her panties and pulled her T-shirt over her head. Right now, wanting to get into trouble with Ty won out over the guilt she would feel in a few hours.

She hurriedly brushed her teeth and hair and grabbed her slick black raincoat from her closet. She shoved her feet into a pair of red pumps and dropped her keys into her coat pocket on the way out the door.