
“Good. Then you know about it.”

Of course he knew about it. He’d been there while she’d sucked on his neck.

“I’ve been so disturbed by it all week,” Faith continued.

Ty rested his behind on the edge of the table and folded his arms over his chest. He didn’t like the sound of that.

“At first I was horrified.” She shook her head and her hair fell from behind one ear. “I was just so…so grossed out.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “All I could do was just stand there.”

Grossed out? She hadn’t acted grossed out as she’d kissed him like it was her job and she was working on a big, fat bonus. Irritation pulled at his brows. “You did more than just stand there.”

“I might have said something. I don’t know; I was in shock.” She looked down at the toes of her boots and her hair fell over her cheeks and hid her face. “It’s forever etched in my brain.”

His too. That was the problem.

“God, I just want to take an ice pick and dig it out.”

His irritation turned to anger and settled in his belly right next to the aching part of him that liked the way her butt looked in those jeans. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you gave me a sucker bite and begged me to touch you all over.”

“What?” She looked up. “What are you talking about?”

He pulled one side of his turtleneck down and exposed the little purple mark she’d left on his neck. “This.” His hands fell to his sides and gripped the table. “I didn’t even notice it until the next morning when Sam pointed it out at light practice.”

She plopped her purse down on a nearby chair and stepped forward. The cool tips of her fingers brushed his neck as she pulled the side of his turtleneck back down. The cool touch spread heat down his chest and straight to his groin. “That’s hardly noticeable.”

“It’s faded since Sunday.” He looked up into her face and his gaze lowered to her mouth just inches from his. “I had to make up a story about a waitress.”

Her eyes looked into his. “Did they believe you?”

The last time she’d been this close, her mouth had been on his neck and she’d bitten his earlobe. “

Touch me,” she’d whispered, and God, he’d wanted to touch he

r and more. “Yeah. They did.”

“Sorry.” She frowned and stepped back. Her cheeks turned pink and she shrugged. “I guess I was caught up in the moment and got carried away.”

“Even though you were disgusted, horrified, and grossed out?”

“What? Oh. I wasn’t talking about that.” She gestured to his neck. “I was talking about walking into my apartment and finding your father on top of my mother. Naked. Having sex.” She pointed to the ground. “On the floor in front of the fire.”

Now it was his turn to ask, “What?”

“Your father and my mother…and I walked in on them.”

“Wait.” He held up one hand. “My father knows your mother?”


He thought of the woman he’d met the night of the photo shoot. She hadn’t been bad looking, just overblown and a bit tacky. Exactly his father’s type. “And you walked in on them having sex?”

“Yes, and it was disgusting. They were…” She lifted her palm as if she could stop the painful memory. “Doggy. I think.”

“You’re kidding?”

“I wish!”