Big boobs and golf didn’t go together. “No thanks. I’m better at chairing events and writing checks.”

“I know the foundation does other things to raise money too. I’ll look into it if you want me to.”

She might actually really like that. At least it was something she knew about. “Okay.”

“Has Darby talked to you?”

“No.” Faith glanced at the television and the remaining few minutes of the second intermission. After the first two periods of the game, the Chinooks were ahead by one goal, but they had the third period to go, and anything could happen. “Why?” she asked.

“He wants you to do an interview with a local reporter, Jane Martineau,” he said.

Faith had heard of Jane. Had read her colu

mns in the Life section of the Post Intelligencer. “Doesn’t she write about life in Seattle?”

“Yeah, but she used to be a sports reporter for the Seattle Times. That’s how she met her husband, Luc Martineau. I don’t know if you remember, but Luc was the Chinooks goalie until he retired a few years ago.”

Faith only had one question. “When?”

“As soon as Darby can set it up. Probably sometime next week to coincide with the new billboards of you and Ty.”

“Which photo is going to be used?”

“I’m not sure, but we’ll find out at tomorrow’s PR meeting.”

Pavel and Valerie walked back into the room, and to fill the awkward silence, Jules asked, “What do you think of Dominik Pisani?”

“Pittsburgh defenseman? He’s fast and can feed the puck.” Pavel and Valerie sat in the love seat and Pavel laid his hand across the back of the small sofa and stroked Valerie’s hair. “Why do you ask?”

“If we play Pittsburgh in the final round, he’s going to go hard after our offense.”

“True. How do you feel, Faith?” he asked as he looked at her through blue eyes so much like Ty’s.

“About Pisani?”

Pavel shook his head. “The last time I saw you, you had just returned home early from San Jose because you weren’t feeling well.”

Oh yeah. The day she’d seen him naked. The morning after she’d made out with his son at the Marriott. “I’m better. Thank you.”

“Who Let the Dogs Out” blasted from the sound system on the jumbo tran, and Faith turned her attention to the players lumbering out from the tunnel. Their awkward gaits became smooth and gracefully athletic the second their skates hit the ice.

Ty was one of the last players to step onto the ice. This was the first time she’d seen him since he’d kissed her, and she felt a strange little pinch in her chest and a restless tumble in her stomach. On the sports screen, the camera zoomed in on Ty as he and the Sharks captain faced off at center ice.

The two men glared at each other from beneath their helmets and got into position with their sticks across knees. Their mouths moved as they spoke to each other. Each smiled and nodded, but somehow Faith doubted they were discussing the weather.

She raised her glass to her lips. “What do you think they’re saying?”

“Just exchanging pleasantries,” Pavel answered, and Jules laughed.

“What’s the matter?” Ty asked the Sharks captain as he stared into his eyes. “Got period cramps?”

The other man laughed. “Shut up and eat me, Savage.”

“Funny. That’s exactly what your sister said the last time I saw her.”

The ref skated to the circle and Ty turned his attention to the puck the man held in his hand.

“I hear your new owner has turned you all into pussies,” the other captain taunted.