“Nothing’s wrong with me.”

“With one of my hockey players’ dads!” she continued, placing a hand on her hot cheek. And not just any hockey player’s dad. The father of the hockey player she’d made out with the night before.

“We’re adults, Faith.”

“I don’t care.”

“You can turn around now.”

Slowly, while Marvin purred about “being sanctified,” she turned as if she didn’t trust what she might see. Her mother had slipped into a red silk robe while Pavel zipped up his jeans.

“I thought Sandy was staying with you.”

“She went back home.

Pavel moved toward her and offered his hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Faith.”

She pulled her hands behind her back and shook her head. “Maybe some other time. You just had your hands…You know.”

“Faith!” Her mother gasped as if her daughter had done something to be mortified over.

Pavel tilted his dark head back and creases wrinkled the corners of his blue eyes as he laughed. Except for the creases and the laugher, he looked a lot like his son. “I understand.” He reached for the black shirt thrown across the back of the couch. “How was the trip?”

“What?” He wanted to know about her trip? God, these people weren’t normal.

“How is his ankle holding up?”

“What?” she asked again. Her mother had been in town less than two weeks and she was already having sex in Faith’s home. Faith had never even had sex in the penthouse.

“How is Ty’s ankle holding up?”

“Oh. Uh. I don’t know. I had to leave before they played. I felt sick and came home.”

“What’s wrong with you?” her mother wanted to know.

“I’m coming down with something.”

Pavel buttoned his shirt. “I hear the flu is going around. Perhaps you need to rest and drink lots of fluids.”

Was she really standing here talking to Ty’s father about the flu? While he got dressed?

“Maybe you should sit down.” Her mother put her hand on Faith’s forehead. “You do feel hot.”

That’s because her blood had rushed to her head. She swatted her mother’s hand away. “I’m fine.” Or at least she would be if and when she could get over the last twenty-four hours.

“I’m sorry, Pavel,” Valerie said as she moved to the sound system and turned off Marvin.

She was sorry,

Pavel? Faith just caught her mom naked on her hands and knees. Something a child should never see, and she wanted to stab out her own eyes. What about I’m sorry,


“Not to worry, Val.” He tucked his shirt into his pants. “We will have many more enjoyable times together.” He shoved his feet into a pair of boots and grabbed his leather jacket.

“Next time we’ll get a hotel,” Valerie promised as she walked Pavel to the door.

“Please do that.” Faith picked up her hatbox and wheeled her suitcase down the hall toward her room. Just before she shut the door to her room, she could swear she heard them kissing. She tossed her hatbox on the bed, unzipped it, and took out her clean