
He grasped her wrists and looked into her face.

"No one could get in. I locked the door when I let out the guy looking at mountain bikes." He gave her a quick kiss, then took her hand in his and led her from the back room. "Two fantasies down. Nine hundred and ninety-eight to go."

"You locked the door?"

"Yep. Couldn't have anyone walking in on us."

Her feet slowed. "You were that sure I'd have sex with you?"

"Hell no." He turned and looked at her. "Where you're concerned, I never know what to expect. I just like to be prepared. I'm like a Boy Scout."

She laughed, and they continued toward the door.

"Come home with me."

"I have to work until six."

"I'll pick you up afterward. We can have some dinner and then you can show me your tattoo." He raised her hand and kissed the back of her knuckles. "I'll just drive across the parking lot at six."

"No, I'll drive out to your house." She wanted her car, just in case there was a problem. Not that she was going to look for one. She was going to be optimistic if it killed her.

He slid his lips to the inside of her wrist, then dropped her hand. "If you're not at my house by six-thirty," he said as he unlocked the big double doors, "I'm going to come looking for you."

"Are you afraid I won't show?"

"I told you I never know what to expect out of you."

"I'll be there," she said as she walked away. She moved to the curb and glanced back to see if he was watching her.

He was.

He stood with his arms folded across his chest, his weight resting on one leg, and his head tilted to one side.

Rob Sutter was a heartbreak just waiting to happen, but not unless a girl was foolish enough to fall in love with him. His past proved he was bad at relationships, but if a girl didn't want that from him, it wasn't an issue.

Kate moved between two parked cars next to a light pole. If all a girl wanted or expected was a real good time, remorseless lust, then Rob Sutter was definitely her guy.

Two fantasies down. Nine hundred and ninety-eight to go, he'd said. If all a girl wanted was a fantasy man, Rob Sutter would be perfect in that capacity.


Nine hundred and ninety-seven to go.

Kate lay in a tangle of sheets and legs, Rob's moist mouth in the small of her back and his hands on her behind.

"Your tattoo turns me on."

A lot of things turned him on. Her walking in his front door had had him jumping on her like a duck on a bug. At least they'd made it to his bed this time.

She turned, and his mouth found her navel. Her stomach growled, although at the moment she wasn't sure if she was more hungry for him or for food.

He rose and sat back on his heels. "Want something to eat?"

Golden sunlight from the window spread across Rob's bed, filtering through dark, fine hair covering the thick definition of his chest muscles and flat ridges of his stomach. A dark, happy trail circled his navel, leading straight down his lower belly to his pubic hair and his erection. A long, angry scar ran from his sternum to his navel, marring the perfection of his body.

"What did you have in mind?"