"You're welcome, Mother." He grabbed his fork and ate the mushroom in two bites. He stabbed a few more and put them on his plate next to his potato, which was piled high with butter and sour cream. "You brought these?"


"They're good," he said and reached for a dinner roll.

"Thank you." She took a bite of her plain potato, sans everything but salt and pepper.

"How're things going for you at the store, Kate?" Grace asked.

Before she could utter a word, her grandfather answered for her, "Katie's not a people person."

Rob made a sound next to her like he was choking on his wine. Kate ignored him and looked across the table at her grandfather. What? She was a people person.

"Perhaps your talents lay elsewhere." Grace refolded the napkin on her lap. "Stanley told me that you used to work in Las Vegas as a private investigator."

She'd always been good with people. Her people skills were what had made her a good private investigator. "Yes, I was." She turned her gaze to Rob, who was trying not to laugh. He obviously didn't think she was a people person either.

"Well, I think it's admirable that you left all that behind to help out your grandfather."

Kate returned her attention to her grandfather. I'm not a people person? When did that happen? Probably about the time she'd been dumped by her last boyfriend and a psychopath had hired her to hunt down his family. "Actually, my grandfather is helping me out. When I decided that I didn't want to do investigative work anymore, I quit my job, and he's let me move in with him until I figure out what I do want to do."

"And I'm glad to have her," her grandfather said with a smile, but she wasn't so sure he meant it.

She really hadn't figured anything out. She'd been in Gospel going on two months, and she was just as rudderless as the day she'd arrived. As she cut into her prime rib and took a bite, the conversation went on without her. Lately, she'd begun to feel as if the thing she was looking for was right in front of her eyes, but she couldn't see it. Maybe, if she got out of her own way, she could see the forest for the trees.

"So, it sounds like you got in some skiing before the resort closed. That's good," Stanley said, pulling Kate's attention from her thoughts. She glanced at her grandfather, whose gaze was directed at Rob. How had the conversation turned from the M &S to skiing in Sun Valley? Kate's least favorite subject.

"Yes. The trip I took in February was great. Lots of powder. Perfect weather. Cute lodge bunnies."

Under the table, his knee touched Kate's. She looked at him out of the corners of her eyes, but he was looking at her grandfather. "One of them had a very interesting tattoo."

"Robert." Grace leaned forward and stared at her son. "You know you have to stay away from bunnies of any kind. They're trouble."

He laughed. "In more ways than one," he said, then dug into his baked potato.

Grace gave her son one last withering glance and turned her attention to Kate. "Do you ski, Kate?"

"No. I never learned."

"If you're here next winter, Rob can teach you."

She seriously doubted she would be in Gospel next fall, let alone next winter. "Oh, I don't think-"

"I'd love to," Rob interrupted, and his thigh pressed into hers again.

Warmth from his touch seeped through her skirt and heated up the outside of her thigh. She turned her head and looked at him as he popped the olive into his mouth. "No, really. I'd break my neck."

He glanced at her lips and swallowed. "I'd take good care of you, Kate. We'll start off nice and easy." A wicked little glint shone through his eyes as he raised his gaze to hers. "Real slow, then work up to something hard."

Kate waited for his mother to call him "Robert" and scold him for his obvious sexual innuendo. She didn't. "Starting slow is so important," Grace said instead. Then she played right into his hands. "And good equipment."

"Can't have a good time without good equipment. " Rob reached for his wine, but kept his gaze on Kate. "Maybe I'll show you mine sometime."

"Good equipment is important no matter what you do in life," her grandfather joined in, as oblivious as Grace. "I buy the best saws and knives money can buy. And you have to make sure your equipment is always in good working order."

A side of Rob's mouth turned up, lifting one corner of his Fu Manchu. "Amen."

Kate crossed her legs and removed his touch from her knee. "Did you know that Americans consume seventy-six billion pounds of red meat and poultry a year?" she asked, purposely changing the subject.