"You mean like pampas grass or maidenhair?"

He shoved the glove in the front pocket of his sweatshirt. "Yeah, probably. I have some of that stuff growing in my yard, and I like it." He took off his sunglasses and shoved them in the pocket, too. The sun shone bright, and lines appeared in the corners of his green eyes looking back at her. He kicked one of the trees with the toe of his boot. "Those had to die."

"It's probably a good thing you don't sell guns."

He smiled and, for some appalling reason, a little tingle settled in her stomach. She glanced away from his mouth to the destruction at her feet.

"No," he said. "No guns."

She certainly understood why he didn't sell guns. "Wow, I'm surprised they let you live around here."

"I'm not anti-gun. I just don't have a need for them."

She glanced up at the striped awning overhead. "When are you opening?"

"April first. A week from tomorrow." He didn't elaborate, and an awkward silence stretched between them. She couldn't help but wonder if he was recalling the night she'd made a fool out of herself. Or the night he'd had to rescue her from the Buckhorn. She folded her arms across her chest, and Ada's bag of cold remedies swung and bumped her thigh.

"How's your jaw?" she asked as she glanced at the side of his face. "Does it hurt?"


"Good. If you hadn't stepped in when you did, I'm certain I'd still be at the Buckhorn playing pool."

"The Worsleys are idiots."

"I think you called them numb nuts."

He chuckled. "They're that too."

"Well, thanks again for helping me out."

"Don't mention it." He tapped the ax handle against his leg as if he were impatient to get rid of her.

She took a step back. "See ya around."

He bent and picked up the trunk of one evergreen. "Yeah."

While she felt little tingles, he clearly felt nothing. It was embarrassing. She turned and started for her car. But his lack of interest wasn't exactly a news update-which was just as well. She wasn't in town to date-especially men like Rob. She was here to help her grandfather.

The following Friday she helped him out in a way that changed his life.

She'd inadvertently given her grandfather her cold, and he was forced to stay home in bed. Before Kate left for work, she spoke to Grace Sutter about bringing him into the clinic. Grace didn't believe it was necessary, but she promised to look in on him on her lunch break and after she closed up for the day.

The first thing Kate did when she got to the M &S that morning was to pull Tom Jones out of the CD player and plug in Alicia Keys. She followed Alica up with Sarah McLachlan and Dido. It was definitely kick-butt girl day.

At one o'clock that afternoon, she called a gourmet food wholesaler down in Boise and ordered olives, jalapeno jelly, and wafer thin crackers. She thought it best to start out small, and if those items sold, her grandfather would have to agree with some of her other ideas.

At five, the Aberdeen twins came to work, and Kate changed out the tills. She counted the money, recorded the amounts in her grandfather's ledgers, and put the money in the safe until the next morning. The telephone rang just as she was about to leave the office at six. It was her grandfather, and he wanted her to do two things for him. "Grab the books," which she'd already done, and make one delivery on her way home.

"Rob's special order came in yesterday," he said between coughing fits. "Take it out to his place."

Kate glanced down at her beige wraparound blouse that closed with three leather buckles at one side, and she brushed dust from her left breast. "I'll call him, and he can come get it tomorrow." She didn't want to see Rob. It had been a long, exhausting day and she just wanted to go home, get out of her black twill pants and leather boots. "I'm sure he doesn't need whatever it is tonight."

"Katie," her grandfather sighed. "The M &S has stayed in business all these years because our customers depend on us."

She'd heard it a hundred times before, so she grabbed a pen. "Give me the address."

Five minutes later she was driving around the left end of Fish Hook Lake. The sun was about to set behind the sharp granite peaks, throwing jagged shadows across the landscape and into the cold bluish-green lake. Kate glanced at the directions propped up behind her gearshift and took a left up a long drive with a split-pole fence. She could barely see the roof of a house, but motion sensor lights turned on like a runway, so she figured she was headed the right way. Then the house seemed to rise up in front of her, huge and imposing within the gray darkness of the setting sun.