“Georgeanne tells me you’re Lexie’s father,” Charles said after several strained moments.

“That’s right.” John was ten years younger than Charles. He was tall and athletic. A beautiful man with a beautiful body. His mind was as twisted as a curly fry.

Charles stood an inch taller than Georgeanne and was thin rather than beefy. His looks were more distinguished, like a senator or congressman. He was sane. “Lexie’s a wonderful little girl.”

“Yes. She is.”

Charles slid a possessive arm around Georgeanne’s waist and pulled her against his side. “Georgeanne is a fantastic mother, and an incredible woman.” He gave her a little squeeze. “She’s a talented cook, too.”

“Yes. I remember.”

Charles’s brows lowered. “She doesn’t need anything.”

“From who?” John asked.

“From you.”

John looked from Charles to Georgeanne. A knowing smile showed his straight white teeth. “You still crave kisses at night, baby doll?”

She felt like socking him a good one. He was purposely trying to provoke Charles. And Charles… She didn’t know what was the matter with him. “Not anymore,” she said.

“Maybe you’re not kissing the right person.” He shrugged into his jacket and tugged at his cuffs.

“Or maybe I’m satisfied.”

He cast a skeptical glance at Charles before turning his gaze back to Georgeanne. “See ya later,” he said, and left the room.

She watched him leave, then turned to Charles. “What was that all about? What was going on between you two?”

Charles was silent a moment, his brows still lowered over his gray eyes. “An old-fashion pissing contest.”

Georgeanne had never heard Charles use a swear word before. She was shocked and alarmed. She didn’t want him to feel he had to compete with John. The two men were in different leagues. John was crude and lewd and used profanity as if it were a second language. Charles had polish and was a gentleman. John was a down-and-dirty, win-at-all-costs fighter. Charles didn’t stand a chance against a man who used both hands at the urinal.

Charles shook her head. “I’m sorry for using vulgar language.”

“It’s okay. John seems to bring out the worst in people.”

“What did he want?”

“To talk about Lexie.”

“What else?”

“That’s all.”

“Then why did he ask you about craving kisses?”

“He was provoking me. Something he does quite well. Don’t let him bug you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, reassuring him and herself. “I don’t want to talk about John. I want to talk about us. I thought maybe this Sunday we could load the girls up and spend the day looking for whales near the San Juans. I know it’s a real touristy thing to do, but I’ve never done it, and I’ve always wanted to. What do you think?”

He kissed her lips and smiled. “I think you’re gorgeous, and I’ll do anything you want.”



“Then take me to lunch. I’m starving.” She took Charles’s hand, and as they walked from the room, she noticed the picture of her looking like a circus tent was gone.

Chapter Eleven