“‘Shadow’ because you possess a mere shade or shadow of your true power. ‘Witch’ because with so much dilution of your magic, that is what you are. What all witches are—descendants of goddesses.”

“Why couldn’t you tell me that before?”

“The curse wouldn’t allow me to. Seems like more than your eye color is changing.”

I thought about the magic bond between me and Wrath. The one that had allowed him to spear into my mind and crack whatever had been holding my memories at bay. “Do you believe my marrying Wrath has anything to do with that?”

Envy regarded me as if I was suddenly very intriguing. “You both accepted the bond?”

“This appeared on both of our fingers.” I held up my hand, showing the new tattoo. “After we…”

A smile flickered at the edges of his lips. “You consummated your bond at Greed’s House of Sin. I’m surprised Wrath lost control at a rival court. It’s something he’s vowed to never do again.”

I glanced away, thinking of the events that had led up to our impromptu lovemaking. “Part of Greed’s castle collapsed; Wrath’s emotions were running a little high.”

Envy’s bark of laughter drew my attention back to him. “I imagine my dear brother and his temper had something to do with that. It would certainly explain why he’d claim you right then and there. Well played, little Shadow Witch.”

“I hadn’t intended for that to happen.”

“Once something is put in motion, we rarely have control over the outcome, no matter what our initial intentions are.”

Envy leaned back, elbows propped on his knees, hands clasped casually in front of him. His shirtsleeves were rolled to his elbows, showing off surprisingly corded muscle. There was a warrior lurking under the practiced sneer and air of disdain he wore like armor. His dark hair was tousled and out of place, but it only made him seem more indolent. More regal.

It wasn’t the first time he reminded me of what he truly was: a fallen angel. Before I knew that, I used to think he looked like the sort that had a broken halo, which was fitting enough, but now I recognized it as a broken heart.

His emerald gaze flicked to mine, a warning flashing deep within them. “Do not mistake boredom for friendship or charity.”

“I wouldn’t call it friendship or charity.” I smiled a bit sadly. “I’d say kindness, but you’d bite my head off.”

Annoyance radiated off him. “I’m many things, but kind isn’t one of them. Selfish? Definitely. Anything I say benefits my true goal in the end. Never forget that.”

“You know,” Vittoria said as she strolled into the corridor outside our dungeon, “what’s truly pathetic is, I think you actually believe that.”


My sister stoodoutside the cell, looking cold and ruthless in her frost-blue gown. Her humanity was gone, but I struggled to believe there was nothing of it left. Even if it was buried deep, deep within her miserable immortal soul. Her gaze shot to me. “You reek of hope. It doesn’t suit you, sister.”

“Where is Wrath?”

She scanned me from head to toe, barely sparing my injury more than a cursory glance as her attention paused on my forearm. On the serpent, crescent moons, and flowers that permanently marked my skin past my elbow now. The very same tattoo Wrath had as well.

Her lip curled back in disgust. “Do you find it odd that he can sense your general whereabouts through those hideous matching tattoos, and you cannot?” She tsked when I pressed my lips together, refusing to answer. “I’d wish to know why the magic only travels one way.”

I wasn’t quite sure that was the truth any longer, but I didn’t reveal something had shifted when we’d completed the physical aspect of our bond.

“Well, I’d wish to know why you’re so brutally annoying, but none of us are getting what we want tonight.” Envy had moved supernaturally fast and now stood beside me. His mouth twisted into a cruel smirk when Vittoria snarled at him, baring her teeth. “Get to the point of your visit so we can continue plotting your demise in peace.”

“My sister would never harm me.”

“Oh, thisisamusing.” Envy tossed his head back and laughed. “Let me see if I’ve got this right—you maimed her love, injured her with your overgrown lapdogs, set her in a cage, and believe she’s not plotting to find her way back to him and destroy you if you stand in her way?”

“She wouldnever.” Vittoria bristled. Though the look she cut in my direction seemed less certain. “We’re blood.”

“And he is herfate. As she is his. ‘As above, so below.’Theyare the balance. Light and dark. One fallen from above, and one created in the underworld below.” Envy’s spine straightened, and all his amusement vanished. Something inside me clicked into place. His wordsfeltright—like a key sliding into a lock. “Did you not listen to a word I said when you’d invaded my House and fucked my second? You cannot win against love. It is a force more powerful, more terrifying, than any magic you possess or fear you inspire. Even now.”

I stilled. His words brought on a recollection that seemed important. Nonna had said love was the most powerful magic, that it would always guide me where I needed to go. I’d been convinced she meant the love of my family, but knowing what I did now, I wasn’t as sure. Especially since she’d said that right after pointing out I’d been Marked by a prince of Hell.

“Fate is an unfaithful bitch. Just like love.” Vittoria seethed. “With the right prompting, her head can be turned. Just like Pride’s was.”