“I’ll see what I can find out when I sign the oath.” He ran a hand down my spine in slow, loving strokes. “Speaking of that. We’ll need to find an excuse for you to miss the blood oath later. If you sign that document, even my scheming won’t matter.”

I rested my head against his chest, thinking. “Well, they certainly know I was furious with you when we left. What if we go down to one of the gaming halls and I happen to drink one too many demonberry wines? I won’t get truly intoxicated, and if I do, you can magic it away like you did when you tested me for gluttony. I’ll make a terrible scene, and you can encourage me to go back to our rooms and sleep it off. We’ll simply have to convincingly playact in front of one of your brothers so they can vouch for us.”

Wrath drew back to look me in the eye. “If you make a scene, it will have to be debauched enough to draw attention in a gaming hall in a House of Sin. It will truly have to cause a scandal worthy of notice, and that will be extremely difficult here. Short of destroying part of the castle, or unleashing another sin, I’m not sure it’s possible. Are you up for that challenge?”

He was askingmethe question, but I had the sensehewas also wondering the same thing about himself. But maybethatwas the key. I thought back to Greed’s receiving hall while we waited for our escorts, and a wicked idea sprang to mind. I was fairly confident I could create quite the stir. And my betrothed’s legendary temper would help to ensure that.

I didn’t have to cause a scandal; I only needed to light Wrath’s fuse.

“Go find Lust or Sloth in a gaming hall and send word to me of where you are. You can plant the seeds of giving me space to cool off, and I’ll make my grand entrance.”

“I don’t—”

“You need to trust me, Samael.” Whispering his true name made him go perfectly still. I trusted him, knowing his truth. It was time for him to return the favor. “You need to be just as affected by my performance as everyone else. If you know my plan ahead of time, it will not only ruin the surprise, but it will also make it impossible for you to lie about it. Now go.” I rolled up onto my toes and kissed him quickly before pushing him toward the door. “And please have a lady’s maid sent up at once.”

I strode into the darkened gaming hall, swaying my hips a bit more than necessary as I snatched a glass of demonberry wine from a passing tray. I took a slow sip, my painted lips curving seductively, as I scanned the room. Felt-covered card tables lined the perimeter and were packed with lords and ladies of this circle. All the wood furnishings were dark, elegantly carved, and plush enough to entice gamblers to sit and stay awhile. Alcohol and food also made frequent rounds, ensuring demons didn’t have to leave their seats for any refreshments.

The carpet was ornate if one took the time to admire it, but it also blended into the dark, enchanting feeling of the gaming hall. Torches flickered softly from each corner, creating a comfortable ambience. Greed clearly wanted patrons to forget the world outside of this House of Sin. Near the center of the chamber was a prominent stage with a few demons slowly stripping off clothing. Several small tables were placed in front of it, offering patrons an opportunity to sit and watch the sultry show. It was mostly empty, save for a few demons drinking alone at the foot of the stage. If my first idea didn’t pan out, that stage might be a perfect second option.

Toward the right was a long, gleaming bar that featured towers of liquor bottles and wines, all ready for consumption. Just as I’d suspected, I felt the first licks of Greed’s power bolster my actions. I desired attention, and therefore, those who were happy to oblige were drawn to me. Instead of shrugging off the magic, I welcomed it, used it as fuel for my secret mission.

Wrath had walked into Greed’s study with confidence, so I adopted his demeanor and behaved the same way, even if my heart was racing.

I spied my mark at a serious-looking table where they were throwing dice, and I paused to survey the occupants before they spotted me. The demons seated around him all seemed particularly refined, and I hoped that meant they were upper nobility. Aside from creating a scene, I needed to inquire after someone who knew Vesta. It wasn’t simply enough to eliminate my twin as a suspect, I wanted to know the truth. Greed seemed to have made up his mind about Vittoria awfully quickly, which I found suspicious even if the other princes didn’t.

I made my way over to Lust, enjoying the feeling of the pearl tassels swinging against the back of my thighs. As far as skirts went, this was barely considered that. There was no fabric, only hundreds of strands of pearls that barely reached midthigh. I had nothing on underneath, so each step and extra flounce of my hips ensured patrons got quite the show. My top was equally daring. Featuring a choker that had strings of pearls connected to the straps and cups, it was really no more than a half corset made up entirely of gemstones that left very little to the imagination when I moved.

Nudity wasn’t scandalous here, but Wrath’s reaction to what I had planned should get demons in this circle talking. I knew the moment Wrath spotted me across the crowd of gamblers—his attention was scorching, palpable. I ignored him completely and sidled up to Lust. The temperature around us chilled a degree or two, but I still didn’t spare my betrothed a glance. He had his part to play, and I had mine. My sister’s life might very well depend on whether I could avoid signing that blood oath and gather information to clear her from guilt.

“Having any luck, your highness?” I leaned over the felt table next to Lust, knowing anyone standing close would get a clear view of my backside and a glimpse of my breasts as they moved against the pearls. Predictably, Lust allowed his attention to linger everywhere it shouldn’t.

I sensed the slightest bit of his sin, though it felt as if he were keeping it at bay. He truly did fear his brother. I supposed a House dagger to the chest left quite the impression. An inconvenience I’d have to overcome. Wrath and I both needed Lust’s sin for this scene to work.

“Seems it just turned.” He flashed a smile, then looked back at the table. Next to him, a male demon with an exceptional amount of gold stole a glance at me. On his right hand was what appeared to be a signet ring. He had to be upper nobility, which made him perfect for this game.

I gave him a coy smile as I leaned into Lust. “Who’s your friend?”

Lust drew back from his roll and followed my gaze. “The Duke of Devon. One of Greed’s top advisers.”

My smile grew. “Pleasure to meet you, your grace. I’m—”

“There’s not a demon in here that doesn’t know who you are, Lady Emilia.” Devon grinned. Too bad for him it actually seemed sincere. “Have you ever played Dead Man’s Pride?”

I watched another demon blow on the dice and toss them down the table. “I’m not much for playing games of chance.”

His attention flicked over my top, his look indicating he might be intrigued to know if I preferred a different sort of game instead. “Would you care to indulge me?”

I would rather gouge my eyes out. “I’ll just watch for now. Perhaps, if you’re talented enough, your grace can persuade me otherwise.”

Wrath’s annoyance caused the air to chill slightly again.

I squeezed between Lust and the duke, purposely brushing my hip against the latter’s arm. I turned to Lust and whispered loud enough for Devon to overhear. “Earlier you said something about a present from House Lust.” I sipped my wine, then discarded it before grabbing another full glass. No one seemed to notice I hadn’t completely finished the previous one. I leaned closer to Lust and dropped my voice. “You’ve piqued my curiosity. Is it like your last gift, or will I actually enjoy it?”

“Oh, it’smuchbetter.” Lust fully turned to me, his game forgotten as he took my measure. Whatever he saw in my face must have been convincing enough for him to decide to play. “I can give pleasure without taking. Would you like a little taste?”

“Here?” I glanced toward the duke. He was pretending not to listen, but as he leaned forward in his seat, he seemed quite eager to hear the response.

The Prince of Lust nodded to the stage where several demons danced in various states of undress. One male—who wore nothing but the gems on his member—slowly stroked himself, seeming to enjoy the greedy gazes on him. Another male beside him whispered something in his ear, then bent to take his hard arousal in his mouth, pleasuring the other demon for all to see.