Chapter 43
Storminginto the room brings me back to my training days, though my companion is much better looking than back then.
We stride into the room, each taking out a board member with well-placed shots before the others can even react. Krystof, the lucky sonofabitch, drops quicker than the rest, so I can’t get him. The chaos that ensues is magnificent.
Screams erupt around us as the remaining members dive to the ground, scurrying to get we can’t reach. Panicked faces fill the two screens at the back of the room, the men picking up phones and dialing. I hear a feminine laugh beside me as Ginger watches the members scatter before looking to me with a brilliant grin.
Without a word to each other, we each move in sync around each side of the massive round table. Ginger takes out the computer at the front of the room, and the three screens fizzle and die.
“You can’t hide from this,” I call out to Krystof. “Die like a fucking man.”
My eyes catch sight of one of the board members to my right, cowering under the desk. In a quick motion, I pull him out, tossing him to the ground at my feet.
“P-please, don—”
A shot to his skull silences him.
Across the room, I hear another single shot.
We’re about halfway to the front of the room where Krystof hides along with one more board member. I’m about to tell Ginger to move forward together when I hear the distant sound of pounding boots and shouts.
I dive under the table as the door crashes in, and half a dozen armed men storm the room.
“Get down!” I manage to shout, hoping the bitch listens. Shots deafen me as splinters of wood fly around me, the bullets missing by mere inches.
From the front of the room, I hear Krystof laugh. Gritting my teeth, I shift my position and exhale slowly. My hand is like an extension of the pistol as I flip myself around and fire four shots into the crowd of men. I hear several grunts and the sound of impact, not waiting to see how many dropped. More bullets fly by my head, then I hear a female scream.
Throwing caution, my head flies up, and I see Krystof pulling Ginger by the hair from under the desk, a pistol to her head. I resist the urge to hurl myself across the table to them when I realize there are three guns trained on me. My hand flexes around the pistol grip, but the smile on Krystof’s face causes me to hesitate.
“Let her go,” I grit out, and he laughs again.
“Hardly in a position to make demands, Dmitri,” he replies. “In fact—”
He isn’t able to finish before a resounding boom echoes through the fortress. The walls shudder along with the ground, and I see real fear in his eyes for a moment.
I couldn’t have timed it better.
“What the fuck was that?” he shouts over the loud sound.
I feelmy confidence come back. With the confusion around me, I lift my hand and quickly fire shots at the remaining three men who immediately drop.
“It’s over, Krystof,” I bellow, shouting due to the partial deafness of the close quarter guns. “That was all of your computers, the research, the labs. It’s gone. It’s over.”
“It’s not fucking over until I say it’s over!” he screams frantically. I take a step around the desk toward him. He clicks the safety on his pistol. “I’ll fucking shoot her, I swear!”
Despite the gun at her head and the iron grip on her hair, I don’t see fear in Ginger’s eyes. Her gaze is steady as it meets mine, and I see the approval in her eyes.
“You won’t shoot our sister,” I tell him, keeping my voice as even as possible. I know that isn’t true. If he thought it would save himself, he’d absolutely toss her to the dogs. If not for that fucking gun, I’d be across the room in a second, gutting him. Really, I should let him take care of the second part of my contract, but that’s not the way I do things.
First step, take down CASH-ULTY.
Second step, kill Ginger Russell.
Seeing Krystof hold a gun to her brings step two in to stark realization. I realize in this moment that the approval I see on her face is actually acceptance.