“That’s better,” she replies haughtily as she strolls over to me, opening the bag in her hand to hand me a small box. I glance at it quickly to see it’s two pregnancy tests. I look at the bag and hold out my hand.
“And the drugs?”
She shakes her head.
“You get this when I see the results. This stuff can kill you, I’m not risking you deciding that’s a better answer.”
I can’t hold back an eye roll at that.
“Give me the stupid test.” I wrench the box from her hand, grumbling as I make my way over to the bathroom.
Suicide, I scoff to myself. What a stupid concept. Dumb bitch doesn’t know me at all if she thinks that’s the route I’d take. Whatever.
The chain on my ankle seems heavier than usual as I approach the bathroom. Once inside, I look down at the box in my hand and feel a wave ofsomethingrush through me.
I hear Hannah come up behind me and look up to see her standing in the doorway. With the chain on my ankle I can’t close it, so I glare at her.
“Privacy, please!”
It’s her turn to roll her eyes. She doesn’t give me complete privacy, but at least she turns her back.
My teeth grit together but I do my best to ignore her, ripping open the packaging and quickly reading it. Simple enough.
It only takes a few minutes for me to pee on the first stick. I quickly discover it’s harder than it seems to direct my pee stream, especially with the manacles, so my hand is sticky by the time I’m through. Tossing the test to the counter, I wash my hands.
“Hold on,” I mutter back as I dry my hands. Looking up to Hannah’s back, I note her hair is up tonight, revealing a skinny, pale neck. A smile curves on my lips when the manacles clang together as I hang the towel. My eyes drift briefly over to the test before back at her.
Keeping the iron length tight, I take the two small steps toward her, cautious of not moving the longer chain on my foot too obviously.
“What does it—”
Without my heels, Hannah is taller than me, but I move in quickly, tossing the wrist chains around her neck. She stumbles with a choked sound as I pull tightly on the chain, yanking her down and back toward me. Her hands come up to try to find purchase against the pressure on her delicate neck, and I laugh as the sputters start to cut off as I manage to block her air supply.
I bite my lip as I pull back as hard as I can, grunting with effort as I keep the length tight. Her nails scratch at my hands and arms, but I ignore them, relishing in the way her struggles begin to slow.
She falls to the floor, but I don’t let up for several minutes until she stops moving. I smile, my chest heaving from exertion and exhilaration.
A calm settles over me as I step over her body and into the bathroom, the two blue lines staring back at me not registering the way I know they ought to.
At my feet, Hannah lets out a small sound, and I frown.
I look around, quickly locating her purse then reaching in to find the knife all my employee’s carry.
I don’t hesitate to drag it across her throat.
I feel calmerthan I ought to as I stand over her body. The blood rushes in my ears, my eyes staring at the positive test like it’ll change what’s there.
There’s no confusion in my mind, no uncertainty about the being growing inside me.
The pills, I remember.
I whip around to see Sin standingin my fucking room.
How the fuck did he even get in?
The blood dripping from Hannah’s throat is the only sound. My heart pounds in my chest at the sight of him, cloaked in blackness. His hair is cut shorter, the scruff on his face only days old instead of the beard that was starting when I last saw him. There are also dark circles under his eyes I don’t recall being there. His face has a slight paleness to it like that of a person who isn’t well.