Sipping slowly, I do what I do every day.
I wait.
Though I’m not sure what I’m waiting for, I know it’s coming.
My mind, as it often does, drifts back to thoughts of Sin, wondering what he’s doing.
He hasn’t been seen since he escaped the day I was taken by Kris. I don’t even blame him for leaving me in the dungeon. Is he okay? Did he make it out of the fortress and across the mountains to the city? Is he getting more contracts and working, or is he in hiding? I’d wonder if Kris found him on the way out, but I can’t imagine him keeping it to himself if he had.
Questions I’ll probably never know the answers to.
In my weaker moments, I imagine he’ll come back to me. Not Sin, Dmitri.
I close my eyes and pretend we’re teenagers, broken but ready to move forward.
He’d find me wandering the Shakhty countryside, both of us a wreck. We’d hug and cry and kiss, then together move forward to forge a path in life.
It’s strange…. I’ve never once in my life wanted family. I’ve had it forced on me, but never have I had the urge to start my own or to settle. Never have I wanted a man, a partner beside me in life. Even Kris I only barely tolerated for years, accepting his presence rather than wanting it.
I settled for so long on what I had, I never even considered what else there could be.
I suppose chains will make you think of what could have been.
I could have had it all,but I fucked it all up.
Chapter 39
I’m sittingin one of several properties I own, this one being off the coast of Spain in Ibiza, when Bram Visser finally calls. I managed to stay off the radar for almost a month after leaving CASH-ULTY, laying low until I can figure out my next move.
After a successful job, this isn’t completely unusual. Laying low after a large or high-profile hit is only smart, and my clients understand when they don’t hear from me. In this case, though, it was a waiting game.
Over the last week, word has started to run down the grapevine about CASH-ULTY and its new management. Speculation over the former CEO’s status, whether she’s alive or dead, is being debated. I knew the call was coming.
As the director of the board for IRODaT, the International Registry on Organ Donation and Transplantation, Bram is a man with a very public image. Slicked back hair and perfect suits, a paid for white smile, and orange tan are all part of his façade. Beneath the smiling man the public adores is a snake and the man who hired me.
I don’t like working for people like him. Being transparent and up front about what you are counts for a lot in my book. One of the reasons I actually did respect Ginger is because she is exactly what she appears. Men like Bram who use duplicity and manipulation as their tools are weak. When he first approached me, I told him to fuck off. It wasn’t until he told me what the job was that I decided to work with him.
“Bram,” I answer, my tone clipped.
“I need you to finish the job,” he replies, and I feel my heart rate pick up as he continues. “There’s word of a new CEO taking over. So far, the contracts they’ve obtained are negligible, but that isn’t what I asked for. I expect the job to be completed.”
My jaw tightens. “I understand.”
I click the phone shut, my body thrumming with anticipation.
Is she even still alive?
I shake off the thought. Despite the speculation that’s going around, I know Krystof wouldn’t kill his prized possession unless he had to. She’s alive, and I have a job to finish.
I didn’t expect I’d actually be able to walk away from this one, but the respite was nice.
Can I really kill her?
She fucking left me.…Just another form of a snake needing taking down.
She’s always been able to get under my skin, and in the past, I’ve watched and let it happen. This time, though, there’s no respite for the evil bitch.