Kris’s jaw tightens and he sighs, running a hand through his blond hair so it falls into his face.
“Tell me,” I practically beg, and he sighs again, pulling some folded papers from his back pocket. I reach to take them, but he tightens his grip, looking into my eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs as he releases the papers. I rip them open, my eyes scanning quickly before I recognize it as some kind of blood work results. My eyes move over the page and I see the comparison, a match.
“What is this?” I ask again, flipping over the papers. No names, only numbers to show a blood match. Kris’s hand comes down on mine, and I look back up at him.
“I matched Sin’s blood,” he says, and I frown, looking back down at the papers. I gave Hannah those blood tests with specific instructions. Did she give them to Kris when she couldn’t find me today?
“Matched? Where? What do you—”
“He carries the same genes as me,” he interrupts. “And you.”
My hand begins to shake as I listen to his words.
“Sin is Dmitri Pashkin, our brother. And he was hired to take down CASH-ULTY and kill you. Him being here was all part of his plan, Galina.”
“No,” my voice is raspy and hoarse, my heart pounding so hard I wonder if I may be having a heart attack.
Kris’s hand tightens around mine then he rises, sitting on the bed beside me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He kisses my head, rubbing my arm gently.
“You’re wrong,” my voice shakes pathetically. “He couldn’t—”
“I’m sorry, Galina,” he whispers. “I’ve got you now, though.”
“I’ve got you now,” Dmitri whispers. “Don’t worry, galya. I’ve got you, always.”
“No! Don’t fucking touch me!”
I stand with a shout, my chest heaving. His hand reaches out to me, and I swat it away, turning and backing away from the bed. Kris’s hands clench as he stands, his body tight.
“Sin fucked up this contract,” he continues, the softness gone from his tone. “And if you hadn’t smartened up and tossed him in the dungeon, you’d probably be dead already.”
“Dmitri is dead.”
Despite the words coming out of my mouth, my mind is racing as everything clicks in to place.
“Dmitri is alive and trying to kill you,” Kris refutes sharply. He steps forward, taking my shoulders in hand to force me to look at him. His gaze softens as he looks at me.
“I’m sorry, Galina, I know how hard this must be for you. I know how much you loved him and mourned him. But he’s the brother who left you to traffickers. He’s the one who didn’t tell you he was alive. He—”
“How did you find me?” I interrupt, and he gives me a questioning look.
“What are—”
“A brother who left me to traffickers?” I interject. “So tell me, brother. How did you find me?”
“Fatso and Smokie!” I practically shriek, pushing away from him. “How the fuck did you find me?”
He gives me an incredulous look. “Why the fuck are you going on about that now?”
I don’t reply, my nails clenched tightly in my fists.
“I asked around,” he sighs, “I found out where they—”
I shake my head, backing away from him more.