I walk downto the board meeting in my favorite outfit, a fitted, red Valentino dress that clashes with my hair and makes my skin look like it's glowing. There’s some stupid bullshit about how redheads aren’t supposed to wear red, but I’ve always loved it. I suppose I’m a bit of a contrarian in some ways.
With my heels clicking down the hall, my chin high, and the mantra running through my mind, I feel slightly better. I called Hannah early and had memos sent to everyone on what I wanted them to do today. I’m crossing my fingers that at least Kris listens. I need him out of my way, at least for today.
The disgust and unease I feel at the thought of Krystof hasn’t left me, but I’m not ready to face him. I need to review everything with the board members and get this ball rolling.
Just two more days.
Exhaling deeply, I step into the boardroom.
“Gentlemen,” I begin, closing the door heavily behind me and making my way around the large, chestnut table. “It’s time I made you aware of all the details of Project 622.”
There’s a buzz around the room at my statement that settles quickly. Leicester, my biggest pain in the ass on the board, clears his throat.
“What do you mean, all the details?”
I give him a sardonic smile and continue. “I mean all the details.”
At that moment, Hannah walks in and rushes around the desk. She has a strange look on her face as she hands me the sheets and projector clicker. I give her a nod before she scurries out, and I make a mental note to find out what made her so skittish today.
Clearing my throat, I turn back to the table and press the clicker. An image of the CASH-ULTY brand pops up on the screen behind me.
“For years, CASH-ULTY has been considered the best of the best in human trafficking. We take specific orders, providing spaces for those in need, transportation for others. We’re considered the highest end in this market. But it’s time to move out of being the big fish in the tiny pond. We need an ocean. Gentlemen, it’s time we expanded.”
* * *
By the timeI leave the board meeting, I feel significantly better. While several of the members knew that one of my new orders involved organs, none of them knew the extent of it or what would happen if we pulled it off.
It’s been hard to keep it to myself, and perhaps ill-advised, but I knew that if I couldn’t get it set up right, there was no point in talking about it. Only two days until pickups, and with almost everything in place, it was time.
Fortunately, there was minimal questioning about my delay in telling them. Instead, they were more excited over the idea of the profits involved in this new endeavor.
“Know what language to speak to a man, Galina,” Father says as I sit on his lap. My body trembles slightly, but I can tell what he’s saying is important, so I try not to focus on his fingers rubbing my thigh, instead listening to his words. “Some men speak sex, they are easy. Others speak money. Not as easy, but simple. Learn what language a man speaks, and you’ll always win a conversation.”
Vasily’s wordsring in my ears as I approach my office.
Another lesson he taught me when I was young. One I’m glad I listened to.
Pulling out my phone, I pull up the tracking app. I quickly notice that Sin isn’t in the training area but in our acquisition holding area. And Kris is standing next to him.
I look at the two dots, Sin and Krystof, and wish I could hear what’s being said.
I wonder what would happen if either of them knew of the other's midnight visits.
The thought sparks another idea.
I exhale to calm myself before calling Kris.
“What?” he answers, his tone sharp. So Sin is getting to him.
“I need you to go to the training room. Sin is there. I would like you to send him to my office.”
I can feel the rage pouring off him at being asked to be my errand boy, but I know the language of men. Right now, sparking some extra animosity between the two men will help me, if I can play it right.
“Why?” he asks.
“Because I fucking said so,” I snap, clicking the phone shut. I switch back to the tracking app and watch the dots stand there another moment before Sin’s starts to walk back upstairs. I laugh to myself.