I didmy research over the years and know my business. I also know that there weren’t any large human trafficking setups around Shakhty, where we grew up. Lots of drugs, lots of illicit gambling, and more than a little prostitution, but the kind of trafficking that I fell in to? Well … those type of people don’t come from nowhere. They don’t just randomly start picking up young girls. Besides, at sixteen, I was already on the old end for trafficked youth. More liability than would usually be considered worthy. Most girls are picked up younger then broken, bred, or trained in to the life.
My eyes shoot open.
Did Krystofgiveme to those traffickers? Or at least set it up so I’d get picked up?
My fists clench together, my nails leaving crescent moons and drawing blood.
I spent over a year with those men who found me. Fatso and Smokie are what I called them in my mind, pretty obvious traits for each, but they made me call them master.
Anger surges through me when I think of those assholes and what they put me through at only sixteen.
I was so young, so stupid and angry after Dmitri died. When I chose not to leave with Krystof, was that really enough for him to do something so drastic? And what changed to make him save me the next year? I was so fucking grateful when he came and saved me, I never questioned any of it. How I was caught, where I was, and why. How Krystof found me. Any of it.
Over the years, I always assumed that his possessiveness was brotherly, that he cared for me. After that visit, I question all of it.
Were the traffickers a punishment for choosing Dmitri? For walking away from Krystof?
I know he’s a ruthless bastard, I’ve known that since he killed our stepmother when he was no more than twenty simply because she was in the way. Still, the possibility of him being involved in my abduction was something I never suspected.
A pangof regret fills me at the thought that I never even got to see Dmitri’s grave. Krystof dealt with all the bodies that day, I was in too much pain and too numb to do any of it.
I wonder if I could still find it myself.
Before last night, I would have just asked Krystof. He might have questioned why I wanted to see my long dead brother's grave after so long, but he wouldn’t have denied me that right. At least, that’s what I’d thought he would do.
After last night, I find myself doubting a great many things.
My phone alarm goes off, and I reach over and flick it off, confirming the date.
I exhale deeply, calming myself and pushing the rest from my mind.
Whatever the fuck is going on with Krystof has been simmering for years without me noticing, and though I will get to the bottom of it, there are things to do first.
Two days before the big day. Today, I have a board meeting to announce the final plans and get them on board with Project 622.
You are a bad bitch, and you can do this.
I run the words through my mind like a mantra.
It doesn’t work.
Chapter 28
I’m barely outof the shower, only a towel wrapped around me, when there’s a knock at my door. The corner of my mouth turns up, an action that seems to be happening more and more lately, surprised when I open the door to see Ginger’s little assistant rather than her.
“Hello,” she greets nervously. “I’ve been instructed to—”
I hold out my hand for the paper she’s clutching to her chest, and her eyes widen before she thrusts her hand out to me. I take the paper and glance over it a moment before turning back to her.
“What’s your name?” I ask, vaguely recognizing her. I recall the other day, when I first saw her…. I’d thought I knew her then, too. But for some reason, the name isn’t coming to me.
“Hannah,” she answers, a bit too quickly. “I have to go.”
She’s off before I can ask anything else. My eyes trail after her, and I wonder if Ginger realizes that Huntske isn’t the only person she needs to be suspicious of.
When I took this job, I’d assumed the security would be better than it’s been. While it’s still a fortress, the math, the number of mistakes is off. Too many mistakes for a woman like her.Or is he responsible for the mistakes?