Page 36 of Sins of our Fathers


I domy best not to show anything on my face but can’t deny how turned on I am right now.You are one fucked up bitch, I think to myself.

It isn’t the blood that gets me going, but seeing Sin in his element like this, the passion and power he commanded while tearing Huntske to pieces … fucking artwork.

I’m not stupid enough to believe he’s told me his whole story, but there was enough truth in his words to satisfy me. They do say keep your enemies close, and while I’m not sure if Sin is friend or foe yet, I know I can’t do anything but keep him close.

Watching him standing there, blood splattered and naked with a dick as hard as steel, I have to remind myself why I’m here. Now that I can see him standing at full height, I realize his body is even more scarred than I’d realized.

My eyes scan the array of marks, everything from burns and thick knotted scars, several that look like some kind of bites. There aren’t more than a few inches anywhere I can see that aren’t marred. While he’s insanely muscular, he doesn’t have that model physique, that pretty boy look to him. There’s fat and muscle and scars and burns, and fuck me if I don’t want to run my tongue over all of it.

“Unless you’re gonna do something with this, can I have some pants?” He nods to his still hard cock, and I feel my cheeks redden as I force my face to remain impassive. The gun is still steady in my hand, though with how skilled he was with that knife, I don’t doubt he could kill me just as quickly with that even if I shot him. Maybe I’m a fucking idiot, but I don’t think he will. At least not right now.

I nod my head toward a chest at the side of the room we keep rags in.

“Grab something from there for now.”

I get a quick nod before he stalks across the room, and I can’t help but tilt my head to the side when he bends over to open the chest.

He must do squats.

My legs press together in an attempt to circumvent some of the pressure building. I feel my clit twitching along with my heartbeat and exhale deeply through my nose.

He turns back to me with pants on, the outline of his dick still obvious. I keep my eyes on his and motion toward the knife he’s picked back up.

“You know how to use that,” I admit.

“I do.”

I look at him with obvious appraisal.

“Why do you want to work for me?”

“I told you, better a dog off a leash than on one,” he answers quickly, and I narrow my eyes before something occurs to me. My lips tilt up as I put a hand on my hip.

“So you want to see your new leash then?” I ask, and he shifts on the spot, probably remembering the leather collar I tried to put on him before.

While humiliation is a strong tool, this time I have a better idea, and I think a demonstration is in order.

I makehim give me the knife before we left Huntske to the cleanup crew, but I now know he wouldn’t need it to put me down anyway. One of his hands could probably quickly squeeze the life out of me.

Fuck, I wish he’d try.

“In here.” I lead him through the building, ignoring the guards we pass. We get more than a few looks, but no one in here would dare question me. Except Kris, but I happen to know he’s occupied elsewhere.

We make our way to the labs, a place I only visit occasionally when there are new toys for me to play with. Iliketoys. Whether it's experimental drugs and compounds, unique equipment for captives, or simply higher technology security, the men I have working these areas are some of the best in the world.

I’ve managed to employ and keep loyal some of the top people in varying fields, but it's no fluke and due to more than just money, although that’s part of it. There are two main things I’ve had to maintain since gaining power and starting CASH-ULTY, both of which were early life lessons.

The first is that a well-paid man who is treated well will seldom, if ever, look elsewhere. My men are paid well and want for nothing. Those who work within the fortress that is CASH-ULTY have well-kept apartments, cars, and anything else they could need.

The second thing I learned is where you can rule by respect and loyalty, do so, but if you can’t, fear is a perfectly acceptable substitute. Eliciting fear as a small redhead hasn’t been an easy feat, but one I’ve managed.

I doubt there is a sum I could offer that could buy Sin’s loyalty, and no one gains genuine respect without time and earning it.

So that leaves me with one thing.

“I grew up without much,” I tell Sin as we walk. “I didn’t even see a television for the first time until I was almost a teenager. Since then, I’ve been fascinated by technology and its possibilities. Ah, here we are.”