Page 32 of Sins of our Fathers

“Do it,” I tell her, repeating her words from earlier.

Her arm is steady as is her gaze. My eyes fall to her swollen lips, a touch of red on one side. She stays still except her tongue which darts out to catch the bead of red. I feel my dick twitch against her leg, and much to my amusement, her face reddens, though otherwise, she remains impassive.

“Why did you come here?” she asks, the pistol still on my forehead. “You could have tried to get out, but you came to my fucking room. Why?”

“Maybe I just wanted to fuck,” I reply crassly, and she squints at me before dropping the pistol.

“I’m sure,” she replies dryly, standing up with an elegance I don’t know how she possess after that fuck. If she’s still walking, I didn’t do good enough. I wonder if I can subdue her long enough for round two….

Her body is long and pale in the moonlight as she rises, the pistol still in hand at her side. My eyes roam her form appreciatively, but I don’t move from my spot as she makes her way across the room to the small bar there.

She comes back and hands me a drink before sitting in a lounge chair opposite me, crossing her legs with her own cup. The pistol rests easily across her lap, a less prominent but still very real threat.

“How’d you get out anyway?” she asks as she takes a sip. When I hold up the knife she left behind and wave it lightly, she actually smirks.

“I must be losing it,” she shakes her head, making me chuckle.

“If it makes you feel better, I could have gotten out even if you hadn’t left this,” I tell her, immediately regretting my words when her eyes narrow on me. I wait for her to ask why I didn’t sooner, but perhaps I did fuck the smarts right out of her because she only shrugs and takes another sip of her drink.

I take a sip of my own drink to distract me, savoring the warmth as the whiskey rushes down my throat.

It’s during the second sip when I notice the faint, bitter taste on my tongue. Something other than the whiskey.

“You cunt,” I manage before everything goes black.

Chapter 20


His massive framehits the ground with a thud. I don’t move toward him for several minutes while I finish my own, non-drugged whiskey. I’ll give credit to Sin for his break-in and for managing what he did, but he’s still your typical male idiot. Distracting him with my body for mere moments was all it took to drug him.

My brain whirls while I sit here, deciding my next steps. The unfamiliar ache between my legs is a constant reminder of what just happened. My tongue touches the side of my mouth, the tang of copper and light swelling another reminder.

“These lips are only for me, kuvra.”

“Shut the fuck up,” I tell the unwelcome voice before sighing, looking back at Sin’s prostate form.

“What the fuck am I going to do with you,” I mutter, tossing my glass to the table beside me.

I consider my options.

The fact that Sin was able to get out of his chains, out of my office, and actually found my room speaks volumes about him. He’s an idiot for not trying to escape, but the fact that he was skilled enough to do what he did tells me he probably isn’t a complete imbecile. Not completely anyway.

Whatever the case, yet another major security oversight has happened in a world where even one is too many. Krystof is fucking up when I need him on his game the most.

Family or not, I’ll cut ties if I have to.

And then there’s Sin.

I can’t decide if I want to use him or kill him.

I’d use him without hesitation if there was any possible way I could trust him, elicit loyalty, but without his story, I have nothing. It’s in our past that cards are held, truths are told.

I need to find out Sin’s story once and for all.

* * *

It takesme almost two hours to get Sin downstairs.