And I don’t intend to make them aware of the lapses in their security.
The laptop in the lab is password protected, so I glance back at the closet door.
“What’s the password for this bullshit?” I call out to the woman.
After a beat, she replies.
“Um, start typing, it’s long.”
She rattles off a dozen numbers and letters which I input, and sure enough, it unlocks. I click around for several minutes until I find what I need and pull up the X219 fortress. It takes me another minute to narrow down targets, but I do figure it out then scour the schematics for Ginger. I’m surprised when I see where her dot sits, unmoving in the dungeon.
I scroll around again until I find Krystof’s dot, sitting in her … room?
A trickle of unease runs up my spine that I can’t explain. I exhale through my nose and consider my next step. I stride back over to the closet and open the door.
“Show me how to bring up cameras on this thing,” I thrust the laptop in her direction. She looks down at the device then up at me.
“T-this doesn’t show the security footage. That’s only accessible from the security room.”
My hand slams the wall beside me, making the woman jump.
“D-do you want me to tell you where it is?”
I crack my knuckles and shake my head, thinking back to the night Ginger showed me how the trackers work.
“No, I know where it is. But where the fuck can I find some pants around here?
It takesme over an hour to make my way across the compound unseen. At least with that stupid tracker out of my neck, I don’t have to worry about my head exploding at any moment. Now there’s only the human and mechanical eyes to worry about. There seems to be significantly less guards around than usual, and I wonder if that’s because of the shitshow that happened regarding the contract last night.
I’m still not sure what exactly happened, but that it fell apart is enough. After such a massive job being fucked up, there’s no way the Dutch government will give Ginger the backing she was after now.
I wonder if she’s upset?
I shake the ridiculous thought from my head and try to remind myself that I want her to be upset. I want her to hurt.
I’m not entirely sure who I’m trying to convince.
I peer around the corner toward the security room and confirm there are only two men watching it, same as the last time. I debate for a moment how to handle it before deciding to keep it simple.
Turning the corner, I’m behind the first man in several large, silent steps. He hasn’t even turned his head before my hands come down, twisting quick and sharp until there’s a large crack. I grab the knife at his belt in a swift motion as he falls to the ground. The other man scrambles to his feet, his panic and the hissing of his now dead friend relieving his bowels the only sounds.
By the time the second guard has turned around, it’s into the large blade. It slides much too easily into his chest, and the man coughs, blood pouring from his mouth. Stepping up to him, I twist and feel my cock twitch at the choked sound that escapes from the man's mouth. His eyes are wide as I yank the blade out, stabbing it in one more time at an upward angle. He drops like a stone.
I crinkle my nose at the smell of blood and excrement around me but otherwise ignore the two corpses now at my feet as I sit down at the desk they just recently occupied. My eyes go up to the screens in front of me, dozens of screens playing out scenes across the fortress.
It takes me a few minutes to figure out the controls and a few more to locate the rooms I am looking for. First, I try to pull up Ginger’s room before remembering the lack of cameras there. Why is that fucker in there?
Get a fucking grip, I tell myself as I switch the feed over.
My eyes widen as the dungeon comes up. Of all the things I expected to see, Ginger in a position I was in only hours ago is not one of them. My heart pounds in my chest as I zoom in on her face, the devastation I see there not giving me the joy it should. Her face is bruised and bloodied, and even with the grainy video, I can see the tears rolling down her cheeks.
Krystof did this?
I lean back in my seat and consider my options.
Take down CASH-ULTY. Take down Ginger Russell.
I push away from the desk and make my way down to the dungeon.