Page 56 of Sins of our Fathers

I keep my face as straight as I can, meeting his eyes steadily without answering.

He smirks, his eyes looking over the scars on my face.

“Dogs did quite a number on you, didn’t they? Fuck, it would be funny to feed you to the dogs here and tell her after. Poetic, almost. But no. I think I’ll tell her about the contract you obtained to kill her, and then maybe tell her it was her precious brother all along.”

My eyes narrow at his words. He may be bluffing, but it sounds like he actually knows. Which means….

“It was you who fucked up her contract,” I guess, and Krystof smirks again.

“She’ll accept it soon enough. The amount of money we will be paid for staying out of the organ market is ludicrous. Once she sees the new contracts that come in, despite this failure, she’ll move on just fine.”

I recall Galina’s words about changing the direction of the company. The way her eyes lit up at the thought of having legitimacy.

“You’ve wanted her since we were children.” I phrase this as a statement rather than a question. His shoulders square up.

“I never would have let Vasily sell her,” he tells me, his eyes looking like he’s somewhere else, somewhere distant. “He would have seen reason. Realized why keeping her in the family would have been to his benefit. Just like our mother. You knew she was Vasily’s sister, right? He had some of the right puzzle pieces of a real family, but not all of them. He just needed to accept Galina, and it would have been fine.”

His eyes pin me with a heated glare. “But you fucking ruined her.”

I suck in a deep breath as I consider all the words I want to say, wanting to point out how I fucking saved her. But I see the look in Krystof’s eyes. The fucker has a goddamn savior complex and always has. Since we were children, he said he had to look after us as the oldest, but really, he looked out for himself. He’d present his actions as doing things for his siblings, but really, it was always in his best interest.

A true narcissist who is smart enough to hide it.

No wonder Ginger never figured it out all these years. How could she possibly suspect the brother who took care of her?

“You haven’t changed a bit, Krystof,” I tell him, and he smiles.

“Oh, I’ve changed,” he replies. “This business tends to change you, but you’d know all about that, too, wouldn’t you,Sin?”

Thousands of words are on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t say anything. This piece of shit isn’t worthy of my fucking answers.

He leans forward so I’m forced to meet his eyes once more.

“I know about the contract you took to take out Ginger Russell,” he tells me. “And I can’t wait to tell her not only did Sin, the man she thought to keep close and fuck, tricked her, but that he’s also her long dead brother.” He lets out a laugh. “Good thing I’ll be there to comfort her.”

I pull forward on the chains without thinking, the cold metal stopping me. Krystof laughs once more, kneeling in front of me just out of reach.

“I am going to make sure you rot down here,” he says in a soft voice. “Goodbye, brother.”

When the door shuts again, I let the tension in my shoulders fall, and the chains jingle.

CASH-ULTY is crumbling, and my job is half done without trying. Apparently, those fuckers who hired me did plenty on their own.

Clasping my hands behind my neck, I consider my next step.

Time to finish the job I was hired to do.

Sin does not accept failure.

Job one: Take down CASH-ULTY.

Job two: Take down Ginger Russell.

First step: Break out of these chains.

Chapter 35
