Page 38 of Devil You Know

“Ha!” Bea said. “Didn’t even have to ask. This one claimed to have a famous pancake recipe and seemed eager to prove it.”

She smiled. “Somehow I’m not surprised.”

“Are you calling me a braggart?” Logan asked. He looked at Leo. “I think I’m being insulted here, buddy. Help me out.”

Gabriella laughed. “Not at all. You’ve just always been… what was the word Bea used?Eagerto prove your prowess.”

Logan held one hand against his heart like he was wounded. “And here I’d always prided myself on being humble.”

“Don’t let me disillusion you,” Gabriella said, moving toward the coffee pot.

Logan slid two pancakes off the griddle onto a waiting plate, which he handed to Bea, who scooped some of the fruit onto the plate and set it down in front of Leo.

She turned to watch, taking a sip of coffee, suddenly extra glad she hadn’t gotten up to go to the gym.

“Is it okay?” Logan asked her softly. Worry shone in his eyes. “I hope it’s okay.”

She smiled at him over her mug. “It’s fine. It’s nice of you to want to make breakfast, and I’m sure it’s nice for Bea too.”

“Don’t pawn this off on me,” Bea said. “Although I won’t deny the company is nice. And handsome too.”

“Ooookay, that’s enough of that,” Gabriella said, moving around the island to sit next to her son. “Logan’s head will get so big he won’t be able to fit through the door.”

“That’s the second dig you’ve made at my famously modest demeanor,” Logan said with a fake scowl. He handed her a plate with two pancakes and some fruit. “Here. Eat this and stop talking.”

“That’ll be the day,” Gabriella said, enjoying the banter. “Haven’t you heard? I’m a lawyer. Talking’s kind of our thing.”

“Yeah, I actually remember that about you,” he said.

Now it was her turn to clutch her chest. “Touché.”

“You’re staying for breakfast?” Leo asked her. “On a school day?”

“I’m staying for breakfast,” she said. “On a school day!”


Her heart warmed at the pleasure on his face. He didn’t get enough of her time. She knew that but she was at a loss as to how to reconcile it with the long hours her career demanded.

At least it was Friday. Leo would spend time with Nathan tomorrow, but tonight they could order pizza and watch a movie, snuggle on the couch with popcorn.

They all chatted amicably while she finished her pancakes and fruit. When she was finished, she rinsed her plate and bent to kiss Leo’s head. “I’m going to get ready for work. Don’t forget that Jag is going to take you to school today. You met him yesterday remember? Bea will ride with you and I’ll see you tonight.”

She’d been worried her son would be intimidated by the muscular, dark-haired man named Jag. Instead, Leo had looked up at him with something like hero worship.

Leo smiled at Logan. “I want Logan to take me to school.”

She tried to hide her surprise. Leo was a friendly kid, sometimes too friendly, but he’d only just met Logan. On the other hand, maybe his eagerness to spend time with Logan was indicative of his need to spend more time with Nathan, with a male role model.

Was that a thing? Did it matter that Leo was surrounded by women most of the time? Her feminist brain said no. Being surrounded with good people, that was what mattered.

It was probably just the camaraderie in the kitchen Leo enjoyed. Like all the other families who got ready for the day together, talking and laughing and maybe even bickering before setting off into the world where Leo usually spent his mornings alone with Bea in the big, empty house.

“Can he, Mommy?” Leo pleaded.

“I’m sure Logan has other things to do,” she said, avoiding Logan’s eyes.

“I don’t mind at all,” he said, looking at Gabriella. “If it’s okay with you, that is. I can ride in with Jag, help him get used to the drop-off protocols. Bea is welcome to ride along.”