Kira was awed by the magnificence of his body, the muscled shoulders and arms, the peaks of his chest tapering to corded abs. His thighs were as muscular as she imagined, his shaft enormous, thick and long and thrusting between his thighs.
Her body clamored for it. For him.
She wanted all of him. She wanted him everywhere.
She lay back on the pillow and closed her eyes. She’d already paid the price for her pleasure. It had cost her pride. Dignity. She was going to take every bit of it.
He took one of her legs in his hands and lifted it onto his shoulder, then kissed his way along her calf, continuing up her inner thigh. The closer her got to the cleft between her thighs, the harder it became to breathe.
She’d done it all before. Quick. Mechanical. Fleeting pleasure that never quite resulted in release.
This was different. This was like being occupied by a foreign army. She was powerless. Forced to beg. To comply.
To obey.
She held her breath when she felt the heat of his breath against her sex, then moaned as he slid his thumb through her folds.
“You’re so wet, Kira. I knew you would be.”
She felt a pang of regret. That she’d given in, that she’d given up the most humiliating secret of all: her desire for him, desire that had burned in her veins since they’d danced on their wedding night.
The thought was fleeting. A moment later, his tongue slid through her pussy in one long stroke. She didn’t recognize the long, low moan that escaped her throat. He was an animal, and he was turning her into an animal too.
She didn’t care. She didn’t care.
He lapped at her clit and she felt the seed of pleasure unfurl inside her, a seed that had only ever blossomed under her own hand. She gripped the sheets, and he sucked her clit into his mouth as he slid his fingers inside her.
“Oh my god…” It came out in a moan, the sensations so overwhelming she almost wanted to make him stop, almost didn’t think she could take it.
But she needed it. She needed it too badly to make him stop, too badly to do anything but ride the wave of his tongue and fingers.
Her eyes flew open when he slipped one of his fingers out of her channel and rubbed it against the blossom of her ass.
“It’s okay,” he murmured against her sex. “Trust me.”
Her mind clanged an alarm. Trusting him was the last thing she could afford to do.
A moment later, she felt the slide of his finger into her ass. He sucked her clit hard, his fingers still moving inside her. She didn’t have time to be shocked.
It was too delicious: the rhythm of his fingers occupying every inch of her while his mouth worked her clit, her hips moving of their own accord, reaching for a light she could feel beckoning at the peak of her desire.
His fingers moved faster, his mouth keeping pace with her hips.
He lifted his head. “Say my name.”
She looked down at him, her vision blurred with need. Her tongue felt thick in her mouth. “What?”
“Say my name, Kira.”
“Please…” She just wanted him to do what he was doing before. To put his mouth back on her, to move his fingers again.
“You’re a good girl for begging.” His words were soothing. “Now say my name and I’ll make you come.”
“No.” His voice was hard.