Page 52 of Conquer


Lyon drove the Audi through the winding roads, all too aware of Kira’s icy presence next to him in the passenger seat. She’d been that way since they’d left the apartment in Chicago, although he’d been grateful she decided to come of her own volition. He hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d said he’d carry her from the penthouse, but he’d been glad it hadn’t been necessary.

The only flicker of interest she’d shown had been when they’d arrived at O’Hare’s charter terminal to board Lyon’s private jet. If he knew anything about Kira — and he thought he was beginning to know something — he knew she wouldn’t want to betray her emotions, but the surprise had been evident on her face.

She’d been too stubborn to ask the questions obviously lurking in her eyes, which was fine with him. He’d prefer not to answer them anyway. He came by the plane like he came about the penthouse and everything else he now had — through the money his father had hidden before he’d gone to prison and Lyon’s subsequent investments.

She’d taken a seat as far from his as possible and they’d made the two hour flight to Albany, New York in silence. Kira had passed the time reading. Lyon had passed it calculating his next move after he got Kira settled in New York.

“How much farther?”

He looked over at her. “Another fifteen minutes or so.”

“Are you going to tell me why this is necessary?” Her face was shadowed in profile, with only the occasional illumination from the sparsely placed street lights on the mountain road.

“I have to move against Musa. It’s been suggested that it’s time to batten down the hatches,” he said.

“So that’s what I am now?” Her voice was bitter. “A hatch to be battened?”

“You are my wife, and that makes you a target.” The words came out angrier than he’d intended. He sighed. “Believe it or not, I’m concerned for your safety.”

She started to say something else, but the ringing of his phone interrupted her. He hesitated, then put the phone to his ear rather than taking the call on the car’s speaker system.

Kira didn’t need to know everything.

“Yes?” Lyon asked.

“It’s Borya Kamenev.”

“Borya,” Lyon said, trying not to sound surprised. Borya was one of the brigadiers who hadn’t yet committed to backing Lyon in his bid for leadership. “Hello. What can I do for you?”

“We can discuss that later. I’m calling to let you know you have my vote. For pakhan,” Borya said.

“That’s good to hear,” Lyon said. “Thank you. Let’s plan a time to sit down and discuss the future.”

“That sounds good,” Borya said. “I have a feeling we’ll be on the same page.”

He had no idea what the man meant, but whatever he needed, Lyon would try to see it done. “I’m sure we will.”

“I hope I’m not speaking out of turn, but your new wife is quite an asset. Annie was very taken with her at the brunch,” Borya said.

The brunch? What brunch? “Thank you,” Lyonya said, careful not to betray his surprise. “That’s nice to hear. Talk soon.”

Lyon disconnected the call and turned to look at Kira, her face turned to the window. “That was Borya Kamenev. He’s pledged his loyalty to me for pakhan.”

“Good,” Kira said simply. “You’ll have to move him into the Spies.”

He scowled. “And why would I do that?”

“Because it’s what he wants,” Kira said. “Annie told me — although not in so many words — at the brunch.”

“What in the world is this damned brunch?” Lyon prided himself on knowing everything. So why didn’t he know about this?

Kira turned to look at him, her gaze steady. “I invited some of the women to brunch a couple of weeks ago. The ones I thought might hold sway over the brigadiers who hadn’t yet chosen a side.”

“You… what?” He was trying to wrap his head around what she was saying.

“I invited Annie and some of the other women to brunch.” She spoke slowly, as if he were a child, but he didn’t have the energy to be mad. “I spoke to them about what it would take to bring over the men — their husbands and brothers and fathers. I already had an idea Borya was most concerned with stability, but Annie confirmed it. I might have hinted that you would give him a position in the Spies if he came around to your side.”